Devise annonces
Job Alternative - Moteur de talents et d'opportunités

Technical Mechanical Specialist

Papua New Guinea
A négocier


Description :

For our client, a leading inter­na­tio­nal mining orga­ni­sa­tion in Papua New Guinea, we are sear­ching for an expe­rien­ced and quali­fied Technical Mechanical Specialist.

Functional respon­si­bi­li­ties :

Reporting to the Senior Maintenance Specialist you will be requi­red to provide main­te­nance plan­ning stra­te­gies, sche­dules and moni­to­ring of the Process Plant’s opera­tio­nal and main­te­nance work groups on the Autoclaves, Tanks, Belts & Rubber, Crushing and Grinding plant, equip­ment, faci­li­ties and ancil­lary areas to carry out gene­ral main­te­nance acti­vi­ties inclu­ding plan­ning and execu­ting major shut downs.

Required expe­rience and qualifications :

  • 5+ years rele­vant work expe­rience essen­tial inclu­ding 3 years as a super­vi­sor and some project execution/management experience.
  • Experience in fixed plant main­te­nance and opera­tions of large process plants inclu­ding plan­ning and execu­ting major shut downs with a good unders­tan­ding of factors influen­cing stan­dard main­te­nance busi­ness prac­tice KPIs.
  • Experinece with hydrau­lics and pneu­ma­tics – essential.
  • Familiar with ERP systems inclu­ding SAP.
  • Previous expe­rience working in a remote loca­tion in a deve­lo­ping coun­try advan­ta­geous, but not essential.
  • Proficient in English with excellent verbal, writ­ten commu­ni­ca­tion and public spea­king skills.
  • Computer profi­ciency in MS Office suite.
  • Sound plan­ning, analy­ti­cal, and problem solving skills.
  • Self-moti­va­ted with the ability to work under pres­sure and autonomously.
  • Excellent atten­tion to detail and time mana­ge­ment skills to meet deadlines.
  • Strong active liste­ning & inter­per­so­nal skills for rapport buil­ding, conflict reso­lu­tion & training.
  • Must be a PNG National and open to work in the country.
  • Ability to success­fully complete a pre-employ­ment medi­cal assessment.
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