Devise annonces
Job Alternative - Moteur de talents et d'opportunités

2 Drilling Engineers

West Africa
A négocier


Description :

  • We are currently recrui­ting 2 Drilling Engineers in West Africa to deve­lop well design and layout opti­mi­zing the invest­ments and applying the highest stan­dards of engi­nee­ring inte­grity, safety and envi­ron­men­tal protection.
  • To draft drilling plan and support its execu­tion provi­ding engi­nee­ring advise, and upda­ting, when neces­sary, well design and execu­tion plans.

Functional responsibilities :

  • Planning and engi­nee­ring drilling opera­tions in order to achieve tech­ni­cal objec­tives in safe, effi­cient and cost effec­tive manner.
  • Preparing drilling programs inclu­ding all infor­ma­tion as speci­fied in Company procedure.
  • Preparing esti­ma­ted cost break­down of wells to be drilled or worked over.
  • Operations follow-up.
  • Recommending changes in some aspects of drilling program (if neces­sary) to improve drilling and comple­tion methods, tech­niques and speed.
  • Making recom­men­da­tions when drilling problem occurs.
  • Tracking and bench­mar­king drilling perfor­mance and costs.
  • Preparing post well reports.
  • Carrying out special studies and reports on any aspects of drilling and comple­tion opera­tions as required.
  • Providing digi­tal data useful to follow up well opera­tions and produce well profile print-outs and over­pres­sure study. To criti­cally study these data, detect anoma­lies and propose correc­tive actions if needed.
  • Assisting rigsite opera­tions for speci­fic jobs.
  • Assisting in the prepa­ra­tion and evalua­tion of tenders.

Required experience and qualifications :

  • Engineering Degree or high school diploma.
  • Valid Well Control certi­fi­cate, IWCF level 4 or willing to obtain prior to mobilisation.
  • Extensive expe­rience in the Oil & Gas Industry.
  • Extensive expe­rience in drilling engineering.
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