Devise annonces
Job Alternative - Moteur de talents et d'opportunités

Area Site Supervisor

South Africa
A négocier


Description :

For our client, a global energy leader loca­ted in South Africa, we are looking for an Area Site Supervisor to coor­di­nate the plant acti­vi­ties with service provi­ders and site person­nel in general.

Functional respon­si­bi­li­ties :

  • Manage Maintenance and Operations of two Wind Energy Facilities.
  • Coordinate plant acti­vi­ties follo­wing EGP Safety, Environment and Quality rules and proce­dures, aiming to ensure zero acci­dents in our duties.
  • Manage with support from your plant sub-ordi­nates, to plan and execute sche­du­led and correc­tive main­te­nance works.
  • Coordinate, super­vise and report on site contrac­tors daily activities.
  • Make avai­lable traceable main­te­nance and inspec­tion progress statis­tics and reports.
  • Provide commu­ni­ca­tion plat­forms for suppor­ting depart­ments, Technical Support, Performance impro­ve­ment depart­ments, audi­tors, HR and HSEQ.
  • Coordinate Technical and/or Operational Meetings with the OM Contractors
  • Manage two tech­no­logy contrac­tors and rela­tion­ships of local stakeholders.
  • Coordinate Job Creation and prefe­ren­tial expen­di­tures with the Community Liaison Officer (CLO).
  • Utilise support of the EGP Technical Departments (MTS, SOPI, WCC) to share and esca­late tech­ni­cal problems and look for solutions.
  • Utilise provi­ded Plant Management Software Tools to the bene­fit of produc­ti­vity and effi­ciency improvement.
  • Provide inno­va­ti­va­tions and imple­ment stra­te­gies to improve safety, produc­ti­vity, relia­bi­lity and local service providers.
  • Manage plant logis­tics and ware­house spare parts.
  • Coordinate plant acti­vi­ties to main­tain a plant equip­ment contrac­tual avai­la­bi­lity and push to always over.
  • Develop main­te­nance sche­dules in conjunc­tion with adhe­ring to OEM specifications.
  • Carry out all legal aspects for plant equip­ment, local muni­ci­pa­lity and commu­nity liai­son officer.

Required expe­rience and qualifications :

  • In-depth know­ledge of wind indus­trial, power plant engi­nee­ring, wind plant opera­tion & main­te­nance, and envi­ron­men­tal and safety requirements.
  • Knowledge and expe­rience on MV/HV equipment.
  • Proficiency in coor­di­nate and moni­to­ring contrac­tors’ perfor­mance for O&M, safety, quality, envi­ron­men­tal confor­mance, and schedule.
  • Knowledge of the energy market and the rela­tion­ships with Eskom, and govern­ment insti­tu­tions in connec­tion with this sector.
  • Managing people with care and in best profes­sio­nal way.
  • Liaison skills with Internal & External stakeholders.
  • Microsoft word proces­sing, spread sheet, excel, projects sche­du­ling and AutoCAD software.
  • Excellent verbal, writ­ten, and analy­ti­cal English skills.
  • Detailed indi­vi­dual with orga­ni­za­tio­nal skills to compile and track plants docu­men­ta­tion, events, and conduct perfor­mance analysis.
  • Good perso­nal work skills with due consi­de­ra­tion for office proto­col and expectations.
  • Valid Driver’s License.

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