Devise annonces
Job Alternative - Moteur de talents et d'opportunités

Commercial Manager

A négocier


Description :

  • Our client is a well regar­ded inter­na­tio­nal Mining Contractor that services the mining indus­try throu­ghout Africa & the Middle East.
  • Reporting to the Operations Manager, the Commercial Manager will be respon­sible to provide leader­ship and posi­tive mana­ge­ment of all aspects of accoun­ting, tax, legal, insu­rance, finance and admi­nis­tra­tion func­tions to assist the company in meeting its objectives.

Functional respon­si­bi­li­ties :

This role will be respon­sible to :

  • Provide leader­ship in the Commercial and asso­cia­ted areas to manage the future growth and direc­tion of the company.
  • Provide a quar­terly Financial Package for conso­li­da­tion within the company that complies with accoun­ting prin­ciples and accoun­ting stan­dards adop­ted by the company.
  • Analyse and manage the taxa­tion struc­ture of the company.
  • Oversee all func­tions perfor­med by Project Administration Managers, ensu­ring that they are conduc­ting busi­ness in accor­dance with docu­men­ted company poli­cies and in a way that assists the company in meeting its corpo­rate objectives.
  • Oversee the mana­ge­ment of the infor­ma­tion system requi­re­ments for Payroll, Accounts Payable, Accounts Receivable and Accounting.
  • Business deve­lop­ment, Security and Crisis Management Plans, Legal & Contract Services.

Required expe­rience and qualifications :

  • University degree in Accounting / Commerce.
  • Membership of ASCPA.
  • Professional accoun­ting prac­tice experience.
  • Experience with system reviews, system imple­men­ta­tion, finan­cial and mana­ge­ment accoun­ting, and taxation.
  • Excellent commu­ni­ca­tio­nal and mana­ge­rial skills.
  • Experience with corpo­rate & project finance, corpo­rate secre­ta­rial matters.
  • Insurance mana­ge­ment and commer­cial risk assess­ment and mana­ge­ment experience.
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