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Job Alternative - Moteur de talents et d'opportunités

Constructability Manager

A négocier


Job Description :

  • Our client is an inter­na­tio­nal mining company seeking an expe­rien­ced and quali­fied Constructability Manager for his exis­ting opera­tions in Australia.
  • Based in the project’s engi­nee­ring office and repor­ting to the Project Manager, the Constructability Manager is respon­sible for over­seeing, coor­di­na­ting and moni­to­ring a construc­ta­bi­lity plan for the project.
  • Interfaces with engi­nee­ring, procu­re­ment, mate­rials mana­ge­ment, construc­tion person­nel, and other AD-HOC specia­lists or advi­sors to ensure input from their respec­tive areas of exper­tise are consi­de­red or incor­po­ra­ted into the engi­nee­ring, design, and plan­ning process.

Responsibilities :

  • Oversees the Constructability Plan for a project.
  • Monitors the construc­ta­bi­lity progress on each project.
  • Collects and reports on overall construc­ta­bi­lity successes and main­tains the Constructability Information System (CIS).
  • Interfaces with the project team and is the focal point for over­seeing and coor­di­na­ting the effort on a full-time or part-time basis depen­ding on project requirements.
  • Coordinates with Client main­te­nance and opera­tions team members for input.
  • Facilitate the engi­nee­ring design basis and construc­tion check­list review, suggests econo­mi­cal construc­tion details to be incor­po­ra­ted into design drawings and specifications.
  • Identifies construc­tion input requi­re­ments and ensure time­li­ness of inputs.
  • Manages construc­ta­bi­lity reviews, check­list reviews, esti­mates and studies, deve­lop­ment of scope and layout of tempo­rary faci­li­ties, and other acti­vi­ties as appropriate.
  • Provides gene­ral construc­ta­bi­lity, opera­bi­lity, and main­tai­na­bi­lity input.
  • Makes recom­men­da­tions to the Project mana­ge­ment team concer­ning staf­fing and budgets, sche­dules, or other project matters.
  • Manages a construc­tion approach to an inte­gra­ted EPC schedule.
  • Integrates construc­ta­bi­lity into the Project Execution Plan (PEP), and incor­po­ra­ting appro­ved construc­ta­bi­lity sugges­tions into project deliverables.
  • Schedules construc­ta­bi­lity studies.
  • Orients the project team to the project speci­fic construc­ta­bi­lity objectives.
  • Arranges specia­li­zed construc­ta­bi­lity advice from various sources.
  • Assures adequate consi­de­ra­tion of construc­ta­bi­lity objectives.
  • Evaluates and reports on construc­ta­bi­lity progress.
  • Forwards new lessons-lear­ned to the corpo­rate data­base, Constructability Information System (CIS).

Requirements – Qualification and Skill :

  • Engineering degree or equivalent.
  • Studies in construc­tion mana­ge­ment, specia­li­zed courses in construc­tion tech­no­logy and management.
  • Minimum 10 years previous construc­tion mana­ge­ment or site mana­ge­ment expe­rience. Ideally, the project Site Manager or Construction Manager who would be respon­sible for site activities.
  • Strong leader­ship, plan­ning and orga­ni­za­tio­nal skills.
  • Well deve­lo­ped commu­ni­ca­tion and writing skills.
  • Knowledge of all phases of construc­tion opera­tions rela­ting to field acti­vi­ties, engi­nee­ring disci­plines and processes, and construc­tion technologies.
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