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Job Alternative - Moteur de talents et d'opportunités

Construction Manager

West Africa
A négocier


Description :

  • For our client, a leading inter­na­tio­nal mining orga­ni­sa­tion in West Africa, we are sear­ching for an expe­rien­ced and quali­fied Construction Manager with fluency in French and English.
  • The construc­tion mana­ger is respon­sible for the overall plan­ning, direc­tion, orga­ni­za­tion, budge­ting, control, co-ordi­na­tion, and comple­tion of all construc­tion or main­te­nance work on the project to the highest safety and quality levels within time and budget constraints.

Functional respon­si­bi­li­ties :

  • Responsible, with support of the Project Manager, Site Manager, and Safety Manager, for all safety asso­cia­ted with the project construc­tion, inclu­ding contrac­tors areas, correc­tive action notices, audits, accident/incident inves­ti­ga­tions repor­ting, job analy­sis, conduc­ting safety meetings, etc..
  • Prepares and manages the imple­men­ta­tion of the Project Safety Management Plan and Emergency Procedures for the projects in conjunc­tion with the Project Manager, and ensures construc­tion acti­vi­ties are perfor­med in accor­dance with corpo­rate HSE prac­tices, proce­dures, and appli­cable legislation.
  • Coordinates with the client, project mana­ge­ment, and project services in setting up requi­red repor­ting proce­dures and formats for client and mana­ge­ment needs.
  • Ensures corpo­rate poli­cies and proce­dures are fully imple­men­ted. Establishes project field proce­dures and objec­tives within corpo­rate poli­cies and proce­dures as neces­si­ta­ted by condi­tions at a jobsite.
  • Reviews and approves construc­tion cost, esti­mates, budgets, fore­casts and schedules.
  • Review construction/erection drawings and speci­fi­ca­tions prepa­red for the project for econo­mic construc­ta­bi­lity, deve­lop stra­te­gies for erec­tion inter­faces, deter­mine appro­priate construc­tion methods, and pre-empt problem areas.
  • Ensures the neces­sary permits and licenses are obtai­ned (notice of project, insu­rance certi­fi­cates, worker’s compen­sa­tion, envi­ron­men­tal permits, etc.), and they are in place prior to the start of construc­tion acti­vi­ties on site.
  • Coordinates with the project mana­gers, design engi­neers, procu­re­ment, plan­ning and sche­du­ling and other person­nel in setting and main­tai­ning prio­ri­ties to ensure timely perfor­mance suffi­cient to keep the overall project on sche­dule and within budget.
  • Develops site orga­ni­za­tion and staf­fing requi­re­ments requi­red to execute construc­tion acti­vi­ties within project sche­dule and budget requirements.
  • Directs, moni­tors and moti­vates subor­di­nate construc­tion area supervisors/coordinators in their perfor­mance and direct their acti­vi­ties as neces­sary to ensure project requi­re­ments are achieved.
  • Motivates, deve­lops, and directs super­vi­sion as they work, iden­ti­fying best perfor­mers, and provides team and tech­ni­cal support to other site func­tions as needed.
  • Direct and control the work of contrac­tors to ensure that safety, quality, sche­dule, design and speci­fi­ca­tion requi­re­ments are achie­ved or exceeded.
  • Minimize inter­face problems and project delays by coor­di­na­ting the opera­tion of different contrac­tors and recom­men­ding the order of work.
  • Analyses and resolves work problems, inclu­ding worker complaints and grievances.
  • Ensure that the Site Manager is always kept well infor­med of concerns and impor­tant events.
  • Carry out regu­lar site inspec­tions of all work and issue directions/instruction to contrac­tors within the limit of autho­rity either directly or through subordinates.
  • Ensure adhe­rence to all local regu­la­tions and statu­tory requi­re­ments affec­ting the project site.
  • Exercise budge­tary and varia­tion control to ensure costs are not excee­ded without proper authority.
  • Assists the Contracts Manager / Administrator to review and nego­tiates revi­sions, changes, addi­tions and dele­tions to contrac­tual agree­ments with clients, suppliers, and contractors.
  • Liaise with the field engi­nee­ring team, client and others as neces­sary to resolve discre­pan­cies, complaints, or problems during the construc­tion of the project work.
  • Liaise with client repre­sen­ta­tives, contrac­tors and other person­nel as requi­red to ensure shut­downs, relo­ca­tions, tie-ins, etc. are carried out safely and in a timely manner with mini­mum disruption.
  • Conduct a kick off meeting with each contrac­tor prior to commen­ce­ment of their on site activities.
  • Conduct weekly progress and safety meetings with contrac­tors and ensure that minutes and short-term sche­dules are prepa­red and distributed.
  • Arrange prompt response to all queries, issues, changes, etc raised by contractors.
  • Arrange measu­re­ment of progress on all contracts and coor­di­nate with the Site Project Controls Manager for repor­ting and progress claim purposes.
  • Coordinate with the Site Project Controls Manager for adjust­ments to prio­ri­ties, methods, and sche­dules to meet area needs, and deve­lop stra­te­gies and correc­tive measures to be imple­men­ted to ensure confor­mity to the project schedule.
  • Assist with the prepa­ra­tion and issue of enquires for addi­tio­nal work in accor­dance with site procu­re­ment procedures.
  • Oversee the work of consul­tants and contrac­tors invol­ved in the construc­tion work and coun­ter­sign veri­fi­ca­tion of time sheets, invoices etc. for payment purpose.
  • Recommend to the Site Manager, where neces­sary, the requi­re­ments for addi­tio­nal resources and stra­te­gies to main­tain the sche­dule in speci­fic areas.
  • Participates in the reso­lu­tion of major problems such as labour disputes, manpo­wer staf­fing, mate­rial deli­very and contract/subcontract administration.
  • Co-operate with the Commissioning Manager in the comple­tion of works and carry out commis­sio­ning duties as and when requested.
  • Responsible for jobsite labour rela­tions and coor­di­nates acti­vi­ties with the Site Manager and Industrial Relations Manager.
  • Maintains client rela­tion­ship and is the primary contact for client commu­ni­ca­tion in the field.
  • Develops, imple­ments and admi­nis­ters a jobsite secu­rity plan and coor­di­nates the acti­vi­ties with the HSE Manager and Security contrac­tor / personnel.

Required expe­rience and qualifications :

  • Engineering Degree or equivalent.
  • Minimum 5 to 7 years previous construc­tion mana­ge­ment expe­rience, prefe­ra­bly with Brownfield instal­la­tion experience.
  • Can demons­trate a HSEC focus in construc­tion phase of project deli­very, and has exten­sive know­ledge of HSE proce­dures, safe work prac­tices, and appli­cable legislation.
  • Strong leader­ship skills, the ability to lead a team and fit into a team environment.
  • Working know­ledge of MS office applications.
  • Effective report writing skills, plan­ning and orga­ni­za­tio­nal skills.
  • Well deve­lo­ped commu­ni­ca­tion, nego­tia­tion and inter­per­so­nal skills.
  • Able to commu­ni­cate directly with the Client on key issues, and all levels of site personnel.
  • Extensive know­ledge of all phases of construc­tion opera­tions rela­ting to field acti­vi­ties of all engi­nee­ring disci­plines, construc­tion and main­te­nance prac­tices, proce­dures and tech­niques, and appli­cable codes and standards.
  • Familiarity with a wide range of equip­ment, tools, and tech­no­lo­gies used in construction.
  • Well deve­lo­ped busi­ness and mana­ge­ment prin­ciples rela­ted to stra­te­gic plan­ning, resource allo­ca­tion, produc­tion methods, leader­ship and coor­di­na­tion of people and resources.
  • Fluency and tech­ni­cal working know­ledge in French & English.
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