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Job Alternative - Moteur de talents et d'opportunités

Drilling and Completion Supervisor

West Africa
A négocier


Description :

We are currently recrui­ting a Drilling and Completion Supervisor in West Africa, to super­vise drilling and comple­tion execu­tion assu­ring that opera­tions conforms to plans and are being carried out safely, effi­ciently and econo­mi­cally, mana­ging manpo­wer, rigs, mate­rial supplies and stocks, resol­ving diffi­cul­ties which could other­wise delay drilling progress.

Functional respon­si­bi­li­ties :

  • Ensuring contrac­tor person­nel, services and mate­rial, are avai­lable at rigsite when requi­red so to avoid any delay in operations.
  • Supervising drilling and comple­tion opera­tions carried out by Company’s and Contractor’s person­nel at rigsite.
  • Coordinating drilling and comple­tion acti­vi­ties in accor­dance with the programme, Company proce­dures and best practices.
  • Reporting to drilling/completion super­in­tendent on regu­lar basis on the progress of opera­tions, and agree on any correc­tive action if necessary.
  • Monitoring the consump­tions and stock of mate­rials avai­lable at rigsite, and request person­nel, mate­rials, and services in due time in order to avoid any delay in the operations.
  • Representing Company at rigsite in all matters.
  • Ensuring that drilling and comple­tion opera­tions are carried out in safety, with good oilfield prac­tice and in accor­dance with programme and all the rele­vant Company stan­dards and HSEQ procedures.

Required expe­rience and qualifications :

  • Relevant degree.
  • Fluent in English and French desirable.
  • Valid Well Control certi­fi­cate (IWCF level 4 to obtain prior to mobilisation).
  • Extensive expe­rience in the Oil & Gas Industry.
  • Extensive expe­rience in drilling and comple­tions activities.
  • Drilling & comple­tion course.
  • Subsurface & Reservoir basic course (prefer­red).
  • First aid / fire figh­ting course.
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