Devise annonces
Job Alternative - Moteur de talents et d'opportunités

Estimating Engineer

Afrique de l'Ouest
A négocier


Description :

  • For our client, a leading inter­na­tio­nal Oil & Gas orga­ni­sa­tion based in West Africa, we are looking to hire an Estimating Engineer.
  • Reporting to the Tendering Manager, the Estimating Engineer will be  in charge of esta­bli­shing cost esti­mates in accor­dance with ITT requi­re­ments, tech­ni­cal constraints and commer­cial aspects. He or she is also respon­sible for deve­lo­ping and upda­ting tools and cost databases.

Functional respon­si­bi­li­ties :

  • Build up cost esti­mates of Commercial Proposals respec­ting inter­nal rules and procedures.
  • Develop the execu­tion plan with the Tender Lead and Commercial Lead for the purpose of having a complete, accu­rate and opti­mi­zed cost estimate.
  • Perform cost simu­la­tion to evaluate the execu­tion alter­na­tives that will allow the Tender lead to select the most cost effec­tive solution
  • Take into account deli­ve­rables issued by all the depart­ments invol­ved in tenders and clarify where neces­sary. Also provide infor­ma­tion upfront as may be requi­red by these depart­ments for esta­bli­shing their deli­ve­rables, in close colla­bo­ra­tion with the Tender Lead and the Commercial Lead.
  • Do the cash flow analy­sis in order to obtain favo­rable payment condi­tions in the contract.
  • Prepare the commer­cial deli­ve­rables for our propo­sal, espe­cially the price sche­dule, unit rates and commer­cial qualifications.
  • Implement cost impacts during the contract clari­fi­ca­tion and nego­tia­tion phase.
  • Handover to the project in case of contract award.
  • Contribute to the deve­lop­ment of esti­ma­ting tools and benchmarks.
  • Support Tendering Department in other rele­vant functions/deliverables as required.

Required expe­rience and qualifications :

  • Degree in an engi­nee­ring or rela­ted disci­pline with very good cost esti­ma­tion and control skills in Oil & Gas industry.
  • 10 years tech­ni­cal expe­rience in engi­nee­ring, fabri­ca­tion or opera­tions with strong back­ground / expe­rience in cost esti­ma­tion and control.
  • Good unders­tan­ding of Oil & Gas subsea products and activities.
  • Ability to prio­ri­tise tasks and work to tight deadlines.
  • Produces work of high quality and accuracy
  • Flexibility to work within the demands of the role.
  • Good orga­ni­sa­tio­nal skills and smart working methods.
  • Proactive and curious. Ability to take an overall view and criti­cal mind.
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