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Job Alternative - Moteur de talents et d'opportunités

Field Engineering Manager

A négocier


Description :

  • The Field Engineering Manager is respon­sible for super­vi­sing a team of quali­fied Engineering, Document Control and Quality Control person­nel and provides leader­ship and reso­lu­tion on all tech­ni­cal issues rela­ted to the practice.
  • Responsible for the overall receipt, control, dispatch, and gene­ral filing of all tech­ni­cal docu­ments on site and perfor­mance of field design or modi­fi­ca­tions as requi­red. Ensures mate­rials and equip­ment recei­ved, and works execu­ted on the site, whether tempo­rary or perma­nent, strictly conforms to design prin­ciples, appli­cable codes and stan­dards, and the drawings and specifications.

Functional respon­si­bi­li­ties :

  • Responsible for the overall orga­ni­za­tion, mana­ge­ment and direc­tion of a field engi­nee­ring team.
  • Ensures the inte­gra­tion of permit­ting constraints into the construc­tion of the project.
  • Implements and moni­tors a site docu­ment control system.
  • Checks the consis­tency between trans­mit­tal sheets and docu­ments atta­ched and ensures contrac­tors and site person­nel are working to the latest revi­sion of tech­ni­cal documents.
  • Records all infor­ma­tion neces­sary to ensure a clear follow-up of arri­val and trans­mit­tal of all tech­ni­cal docu­ments such that control of appli­cable docu­ments can be done at any time from any work location.
  • Arranges for the dupli­ca­tion and distri­bu­tion of all docu­ments in compliance with Project procedures.
  • Responsible to ensure the carrying out of field design or modi­fi­ca­tion as requi­red accor­ding to dele­ga­tion given by the Site Manager, using the engi­nee­ring office for assis­tance where necessary.
  • Approves, manages and main­tains the Field Design Change regis­ter and change control documentation.
  • Advises the Site Manager and Construction Manager of any poten­tial varia­tions to the scope of work that may gene­rate cost and/or sche­dule impact and present an assess­ment of possible impacts.
  • Checks and approves contractor’s mate­rials certi­fi­ca­tions, and propo­sals for mate­rial supplies or alter­nates, for perma­nent works.
  • Reviews and approves the contractor’s Quality Control Program as neces­sary to comply with project requirements.
  • Reviews contrac­tor design drawings for construc­ta­bi­lity and compliance to project, local and natio­nal standards.
  • Acts as the main engi­nee­ring liai­son with the design office and provides exper­tise to site construc­tion person­nel on tech­ni­cal matters as requi­red, including : 
    • Requests for Information (RFI’s),
    • Solutions to a Non-confor­mance Report (NCR),
    • Interpretations of drawings and/or specifications.
  • Coordinates inter­nal or exter­nal experts or testing which may be requi­red (eg. Surveyors, welding inspec­tors, labo­ra­tory testing and sampling, local autho­ri­ties, vendor specia­lists, etc.).
  • Acts as the Constructability Coordinator after the opening of the work site to conti­nue and complete the EPCM Constructability Program and provides feed­back to the office Engineering Manager.
  • Verifies and checks shor­tages of mate­rial (loss, damage, short ship­ped, etc.) and all possi­bi­li­ties of repla­ce­ment, or substi­tu­tion by appro­ved speci­fi­ca­tion adjust­ment, have been made prior to autho­ri­zing, or reques­ting to the Material Manager, the purchase of addi­tio­nal materials.
  • Leads the review and assess­ment of contrac­tor close-out reports and docu­men­ta­tion inclu­ding as-built drawings, vendor and equip­ment warran­ties, O&M manuals, spare parts and trai­ning programs.
  • Ensures the gene­ral coor­di­na­tion of the hando­ver of the facilities.

Required expe­rience and qualifications :

  • Engineering Degree.
  • A mini­mum 10 years engi­nee­ring and admi­nis­tra­tive experience.
  • Previous invol­ve­ment in the engi­nee­ring design phase of the project.
  • Major project expe­rience, prefe­ra­bly on heavy indus­trial projects.
  • Extensive expe­rience in the use of proce­dures and work­flows in the execu­tion of projects.
  • General know­ledge of indus­try or regu­la­tory codes and stan­dards and design crite­ria in engi­nee­ring disciplines.
  • A high degree of unders­tan­ding of inter-disci­pline dependencies.
  • A high degree of unders­tan­ding of procu­re­ment and contrac­ting methodologies.
  • A high degree of unders­tan­ding of construc­tion methodologies.
  • A high degree of unders­tan­ding of commis­sio­ning methodologies.
  • Extensive know­ledge of admi­nis­tra­tive prac­tices, drawing produc­tion and docu­ment control methodologies.
  • Demonstrated success­ful team mana­ge­ment (prefe­ra­bly diverse and multi-disci­pline) and effec­tive change mana­ge­ment skills.
  • Strong ability to dele­gate and manage success­ful outcomes of work perfor­med by others.
  • Excellent commu­ni­ca­tion and inter­per­so­nal skills.
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