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Job Alternative - Moteur de talents et d'opportunités

Fixed & Mobile Plant Maintenance Superintendent

New Caledonia
A négocier


Description :

For our client, a well-known mining orga­ni­sa­tion, we are looking for a Fixed & Mobile Plant Maintenance Superintendent with fluency in French and English. This role will be based in New Caledonia on a resi­den­tial basis.

Functional respon­si­bi­li­ties :

  • Responsible for plan­ning the effec­tive use of main­te­nance person­nel and resources to achieve relia­bi­lity and avai­la­bi­lity of fixed and mobile plant.
  • Maintain a high level of health, safety and envi­ron­men­tal aware­ness and comply with all rele­vant poli­cies and procedures.
  • Through the use of proce­dures to get the job done, ensure that impro­ve­ments to the proce­dures are captu­red and changes are made to control­led docu­ments by custodian.
  • Ensure effec­tive commu­ni­ca­tion of work and issues/conditions status takes place with dele­gate prior to depar­ture from site.
  • Scheduling of all main­te­nance work through the use of the main­te­nance mana­ge­ment system, to ensure resources are prio­ri­ti­sed in accor­dance with the main­te­nance strategy.
  • Collection, inter­ro­ga­tion and repor­ting of main­te­nance data and costs to assist in opti­mi­sing the effi­ciency of all plant.
  • Ensure break­downs, plan­ned routine main­te­nance, non-routine main­te­nance, appro­ved modi­fi­ca­tions and capi­tal works are sche­du­led to be under­ta­ken with mini­mum disrup­tion to the operation.
  • Ensure that parts, equip­ment, mate­rials and tooling are receip­ted and allo­ca­ted to the correct job before work is placed on the daily work sche­dule or shut­down schedule.
  • Allocate prio­ri­ties on the daily work sche­dule or shut­down sche­dule and include copies of Standard Operating Procedure (SOP’s) or flag where Job Hazard Analysis (JHA’s) are to be completed.
  • Plan and sche­dule works for all shut­downs and arrange the enga­ge­ment of contract labour and procu­re­ment of equip­ment to carry out the work.
  • Prepare and issue weekly main­te­nance acti­vity reports.

Required expe­rience and qualifications :

  • Graduate Diploma or Certificate in Maintenance Planning or Engineering (prefer­red).
  • Mechanical or Electrical Trade Certificate.
  • Previous Professional expe­rience of at least 10 – 15 years in a simi­lar position.
  • Demonstrated appli­ca­tion of safe working proce­dures and inspec­tion techniques.
  • Knowledge of Preventive main­te­nance management.
  • Knowledge of Equipment mana­ge­ment – warran­ties, manufacturer’s speci­fi­ca­tions, stan­dards for rota­ting equipment.
  • Procurement and mate­rials management.
  • Fluent French (speak, read and write) and English speaking.
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