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Job Alternative - Moteur de talents et d'opportunités

HSEC Manager

West Africa
A négocier



Description :

For our client, an inter­na­tio­nal mining company with a large mine site in West Africa, we are looking for a HSEC Manager with fluency in French. The incumbent will lead a large team and will be respon­sible for ensu­ring effec­tive and sustai­nable HSEC mana­ge­ment systems are imple­men­ted and maintained.

Functional respon­si­bi­li­ties :

  • Create, main­tain and enhance an effec­tive HSEC Program while provi­ding leader­ship, guidance and tech­ni­cal support for all HSEC issues
  • Implement corpo­rate HSEC stan­dards and inter­nal Environmental & Social Management Plan
  • Ensure compliance with legis­la­ted stan­dards and regulations
  • Lead nego­tia­tions and imple­men­ta­tion of IFC Performance Standards and Lenders requi­re­ments in accor­dance with all ESIA, Resettlement Action Plan,
  • Stakeholder Management Plan, Biodiversity Management Plan, etc.
  • Ensure that effec­tive & sustai­nable HSEC risk mana­ge­ment poli­cies and stra­te­gies are imple­men­ted and maintained
  • Manage rela­tions and repor­ting with the Board of VPs, direc­tors, senior mana­ge­ment and inter­nal staff as well as Government, Stakeholder, Community relationships
  • Implement initia­tives to enhance a sustai­nable safety culture ; deve­lop safety incen­tive programs
  • Establish and main­tain emer­gency response plans
  • Conduct regu­lar HSEC meetings with mana­ge­ment at all levels and HSEC personnel
  • Assess and report on achie­ve­ments of HSEC key perfor­mance indicators.

Required expe­rience and qualifications :

  • A tertiary Qualification in a Health and Safety Sciences, or equivalent.
  • 10 years working expe­rience in a simi­lar role.
  • Experience working in Africa prefe­ra­bly in the mining industry.
  • Practical know­ledge of IFC stan­dards and their implementation.
  • Knowledge of ISO  14001 and OSHA 18001 standards.
  • A success­ful track record of imple­men­ting and impro­ving HSEC perfor­mance to world-class levels.
  • Knowledge of safety trai­ning and imple­men­ta­tion of safety trai­ning programs.
  • Strong admi­nis­tra­tive and orga­ni­za­tio­nal skills ; strong report writing, presen­ta­tion and compu­ter skills.
  • Strong, prac­ti­cal, hands-on experience.
  • Fluent English and French – writ­ten and spoken.
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