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Job Alternative - Moteur de talents et d'opportunités

Lead Pipeline Enginer

West Africa
A négocier


Description :

  • For our client, a leading inter­na­tio­nal Oil & Gas orga­ni­sa­tion in West Africa, we are sear­ching for a Lead Pipeline Enginer.
  • This role will be a focal point and tech­ni­cal autho­rity for pipe­line engi­nee­ring throu­ghout engi­nee­ring design, construc­tion and instal­la­tion phases of Company’s pipe­line projects. You will iaise daily with coun­ter­part on Contractor side to moni­tor the progress of  deli­ve­rables, anti­ci­pate and high­light delays, propose correc­tive actions when needed.

Functional respon­si­bi­li­ties :

  • Provide pipe­line engi­nee­ring input to other disci­plines to assure design outputs are consistent.
  • Be Project Authority for review of pipe­line design drawings, speci­fi­ca­tions, instal­la­tion proce­dures, etc.
  • Where reques­ted, be Company repre­sen­ta­tive (pipe­lines) to ensure design work by contrac­tors meets Project stan­dard and rele­vant indus­try codes
  • Monitor perfor­mance of design contrac­tors and suggest reme­dial actions to avoid design defi­cien­cies and instal­la­tion delays.
  • Assist Company resident and/or project engi­neers with the pipe­line engi­nee­ring aspects of Facilities design.
  • Assist construc­tion and commis­sio­ning teams with field ques­tions encoun­te­red during installation.
  • Initiate and coor­di­nate tasks needed for project execu­tion inclu­ding surveys, permit­ting or govern­ment reviews, mate­rial speci­fi­ca­tion, instal­la­tion proce­dures, testing, etc.
  • Participate in HAZOP’s and other key design reviews.
  • Assist in deve­lop­ment of junior pipe­line engineers.
  • Provide input to Front End/Conceptual Engineering studies with respect to pipe­line design, instal­la­tion and opera­ting issues.
  • Provide input to Integrity Management and Planned Maintenance planning.
  • To be the custo­dian of the Project data­base for pipe­line data.

Required expe­rience and qualifications :

  • University Engineering Degree prefer­red, HND accep­ted with exten­sive experience.
  • Minimum of 15 years rele­vant expe­rience with oil indus­try design and fabri­ca­tion contractor.
  • Must have worked as a pipe­line engineer/senior pipe­line engi­neer for an EPC Company and Operator, and have been invol­ved in both onshore and offshore projects.
  • Must have exhaus­tive know­ledge of pipe­line codes, metal­lurgy, welding, CP, pigging and end station design, capa­bi­lity to run pipe­line hydrau­lics, parti­cu­larly unders­tan­ding slug­ging avoi­dance and inter­nal corro­sion management.
  • Knowledge of pipe­line hydrau­lics, multi­phase beha­viour and API stan­dards essen­tial to this position.
  • Must be used to working in a multi-disci­pline environment.
  • Good unders­tan­ding of project mana­ge­ment controls and procedures.
  • Have the ability to utilise common soft­ware for analy­sis of pipe­line design, instal­la­tion and opera­ting issues.
  • Sound unders­tan­ding of HSES mana­ge­ment systems and the appli­ca­tion thereof, parti­cu­larly with respect to design inte­grity and safety.
  • Apt repor­ting skills with the ability to write well-struc­tu­red and easily unders­tood reports.
  • Basic compu­ter lite­racy (MS Word, Excel, Project, PowerPoint).
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