Devise annonces
Job Alternative - Moteur de talents et d'opportunités

Logistics Supervisor

A négocier


Description :

  • We are looking for an expe­rien­ced Logistics Supervisor for one of our non-metal mining operations.
  • The Logistics Supervisor will lead coor­di­na­tions invol­ved in ore trans­por­ta­tion and export, and will also over­see the whole supply chain, in order to deli­very an effi­cient and safe work.

Functional respon­si­bi­li­ties :

  • Manage ship­ping and logis­tics in accor­dance with direc­tives from the Marketing and Finance Departments.
  • Coordinate with the Operations team to ensure packing plans align with produc­tion fore­casts and ship­ping and sales schedule.
  • Manage all logis­tics metrics, KPIs, repor­ting, paper­work (inclu­ding customs docu­men­ta­tion and trans­port plans for Government autho­ri­ties), inven­tory & sales data and infor­ma­tion in an accu­rate, complete and timely manner.
  • Oversee site audits, inci­dent inves­ti­ga­tions, trai­ning, systems, stan­dards and proce­dures rela­ting to logis­tics, packing, trans­port and emer­gency response to ensure compliance requi­re­ments are met.
  • Manage the product balance report.
  • Manage the rela­tion­ship with key stake­hol­ders within the indus­try and Government as it relates to logis­tic activities.
  • Attend and contri­bute to Government and indus­try working groups and bodies such as but not limi­ted to WNTI, WNA, Transport working groups.
  • Coordinate the ore sales contract prepa­ra­tion, ship­ment sche­du­ling, and appro­val processes in line with the Marketing Department (USA) requi­re­ments and contrac­tual & regu­la­tory obligations.
  • Manage the suffi­cient supply of drums, strap­ping and ship­ping contai­ners and ensure they are in stock to service packing requi­re­ments at the mine.
  • In consul­ta­tion with the Supply Team, nego­tiate contrac­tual arran­ge­ments with trans­port provi­ders to ensure safe, timely and cost-effec­tive logis­tics arrangements.
  • Support the Senior Management Team with prepa­ra­tion of various reports and returns asso­cia­ted with move­ments and royalty agreements.
  • Administer mana­ge­ment repor­ting and accoun­ting accruals for ship­ping, royal­ties, marke­ting, and any other asso­cia­ted costs in an accu­rate and timely manner.

Required expe­rience and qualifications :

  • Diploma Level Qualification in Logistics (or similar).
  • Experience with Federal & State regu­la­tory appro­vals, compliance ‚repor­ting and management.
  • ASMA appro­ved ‑Dangerous Goods By Sea – and IMDG code.
  • Experience/training in inci­dent inves­ti­ga­tion methodologies.
  • (ANSTO) Radiation Safety Officer.
  • Expertise in Auditing Methodologies. Certification in Quality Management Systems is an asset.
  • Experience in dealing with regu­la­tory autho­ri­ties in the industry.
  • Experience with contract mana­ge­ment and compliance.
  • Advanced know­ledge of Microsoft Office compu­ter soft­ware (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, MS access and databases).
  • Experience with ship­ping / export activities.
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