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Job Alternative - Moteur de talents et d'opportunités

Maintenance Manager – Algeria

A négocier


Description :

We are looking for a Maintenance Manager with at least 10 years’ signi­fi­cant expe­rience within main­te­nance and opera­tions for large inter­na­tio­nal Oil & Gas projects. This 12 months rene­wable contract is to work for a major inter­na­tio­nal Oil & Gas company which offers a 28 x 28 working sche­dule in Algeria.

Functional respon­si­bi­li­ties :

  • Manage the plan­ning and execu­tion of special projects as neces­sary i.e. Shutdowns/Turnarounds.
  • Provide stra­te­gic leader­ship and direct plan­ning to meet shut­downs, major repairs, and provide maxi­mum faci­lity uptime.
  • Develop, main­tain, and track metrics and KPI’s to allow depart­ment conti­nuous improvement.
  • Supervise a specialty team to cover Maintenance Integrity & relia­bi­lity of static and Rotating Equipment cove­ring the two sites.
  • Supervise a team to track and trend perfor­mance issues of a large fleet of Turbo Machinery inclu­ding compres­sors and Turbo Expander Compressors.
  • Ensure diag­nos­tic programs are in esta­bli­shed in coope­ra­tion with the Maintenance team and Rotating Equipment team to reduce Facility Downtime.
  • Enhance a criti­cal spare program at all sites cove­ring a compre­hen­sive array of rota­ting equip­ment and statio­nary equip­ment desi­gned to ensure faci­lity inte­grity of opera­tions and reduce downtime.
  • Assist the Field Manager with daily opera­tions to ensure the faci­li­ties are main­tai­ned to compliance codes and standards.
  • Demonstrate leader­ship, commit­ment and foster a culture where health, safety and the envi­ron­ment are not compromised.
  • Manage a range of assi­gned Support Service Contracts.
  • Prepare reports, analyses data and makes recom­men­da­tions for impro­ving plant opera­tions or solving main­te­nance-rela­ted problems.
  • Interface with other depart­ments in the daily opera­tions and routine inter­pre­ta­tion of the opera­tions needs to meet KPI targets.
  • Integral part of the Emergency Response Team.
  • Liaise with the Purchasing and Contracts Department for the deli­very of mate­rial and conti­nuity of contracts.

Required expe­rience and qualifications :

  • Bachelor’s degree in Engineering.
  • Experience in a Maintenance Management position.
  • Significant expe­rience within in the main­te­nance and opera­tions indus­try for large Oil & Gas projects.
  • International expe­rience in the petro­leum industry.
  • Fluency in French and/or Arabic is preferred.
  • Proficient in use of Microsoft Office Suite.
  • Experience with working in a multi-natio­nal / multi-cultu­ral work environment.
  • Ability to work in a remote, fast paced and chal­len­ging environment.
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