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Job Alternative - Moteur de talents et d'opportunités

Maintenance Project Manager

A négocier



Description :

For our client, a leading inter­na­tio­nal orga­ni­sa­tion in Angola, we are sear­ching for an expe­rien­ced and quali­fied Maintenance Project Manager. This role will coor­di­nate the assi­gned Maintenance Project or acti­vi­ties (onshore and/or offshore), in accor­dance with Company or Area stra­tegy and Procedures. Ensure a safe, effi­cient and cost effec­tive execu­tion of assi­gned Maintenance project or acti­vi­ties within assi­gned Country/Area or Company, with appro­priate reporting.

Functional respon­si­bi­li­ties :

  • Interface with Company and other Local enti­ties invol­ved in Maintenance acti­vi­ties onshore and offshore ensu­ring an effec­tive coor­di­na­tion and support, inclu­ding Country/Area Management, onshore/offshore Projects, Engineering enti­ties, Tendering teams and Commercial.
  • Review and approve tech­ni­cal evalua­tion of vendor/supplier offers with regard to disci­pline items, bulk mate­rial and subcon­trac­ted work packages and services, accor­ding to Company stan­dards and procedures.
  • Interface with the appro­priate Corporate Functions at any level, unders­tan­ding overall respon­si­bi­li­ties within the decen­tra­li­zed orga­ni­za­tion, stimu­la­ting the orga­ni­za­tio­nal strengths, syner­gies and opportunities.
  • Manage or support the mana­ge­ment of a project of General Maintenance, Maintenance Engineering and Inspection, Modification works.
  • Represent Company with Client.
  • Support for the defi­ni­tion of Maintenance Project Execution Plans during all the phases, inclu­ding orga­ni­za­tion, Project Control and control­ling techniques.
  • Manage the person­nel belon­ging directly to Project.
  • Coordinate multi-disci­pline multi-cultu­ral compe­ten­cies of different origin distri­bu­ted on all the areas/sites and projects, opti­mi­zing effectiveness.
  • Gather and support the HR Managerial Plans, inte­gra­ting these in a compre­hen­sive resources sche­du­ling consi­de­ring Nationalization plans and deve­lop resources in line with the long term plans and stra­tegy, targe­ting excel­lence as required.
  • Identify key resources and plan possible deve­lop­ment, inclu­ding support about­lo­cal resources.
  • Ensure the Competence Assurance program is set-up and follo­wed in all areas and projects.
  • Gather and set-up proper mana­ge­ment repor­ting inclu­ding perfor­mance moni­to­ring (KPI).
  • Ensure inter­nal and exter­nal repor­ting at any level.
  • Coordinate contract admi­nis­tra­tion and project management.
  • Cooperate with Procurement iden­ti­fying and asses­sing specia­li­zed subcon­trac­tors and setting up strategic/general agreements.
  • Coordinate subcon­trac­tors.
  • Support the deve­lop­ment of main­te­nance engi­nee­ring and execu­tion proce­dures and tools targe­ting excel­lence, and certi­fi­ca­tion by inter­na­tio­nal bodies.
  • Support the project staf­fing and lead multi-site coor­di­na­tion meetings.
  • Budget owner for Project, esta­blish and control budgets and support control­ling functions.
  • Develop a project outsour­cing strategy.
  • Promote HSE culture via strong safety leader­ship, ensu­ring all acti­vi­ties are under­ta­ken with full know­ledge of Company commit­ment to HSE.
  • Ensure that Company and Client quality proce­dures and safety rules are fully respected.

Required expe­rience and qualifications :

  • Project Manager or Technical Manager.
  • This posi­tion requires mana­ge­ment skills (project mana­ger), tech­ni­cal skills (main­te­nance and modi­fi­ca­tions) and commer­cial skills (custo­mer relations).
  • Knowledge of main­te­nance « tools » (plan, proce­dures, plan­ning, etc …).
  • Experience in prepa­ra­tion and reali­za­tion of sche­du­led shutdown.
  • Fluent English required.
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