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Job Alternative - Moteur de talents et d'opportunités

Material Management Lead

South Africa
A négocier


Description :

  • Our client, an inter­na­tio­nal Oil and Gas Operator are looking for a Materials Management Lead for their project in South Africa. The posi­tion is offe­red with a long-term contract, 28 day on / 28 day off rota­tion and nego­tiable daily rate.
  • As Materials Management Lead you’ll be respon­sible for provide day to day leader­ship for the Supply Base mate­rial and equip­ment hand­ling func­tions, suppor­ting onshore drilling opera­tions, inclu­ding direct super­vi­sion of mate­rials mana­ge­ment and Integrated Logistics Services provi­der personnel.

Functional responsibilities :

  • Implements, parti­ci­pates and main­tains records of daily tool­box talks with the Supply Base mate­rials personnel.
  • Fully respon­sible for care and custody of Company and Contractor mate­rials and equipment.
  • Monitors, inspect and record all inbound and outbound mate­rials and equipment.
  • Develops and imple­ments project speci­fic mate­rial mana­ge­ment plans, proce­dures and documents.
  • Provides regu­lar status repor­ting to Logistics Base Superintendent and Company inter­nal peers.
  • Ensures mate­rials and equip­ment is loca­ted, stored, segre­ga­ted and fully traceable in accor­dance with good oilfield practices.
  • Carries out the neces­sary Job Safety Analysis JSA or Risk Assessment RA for routine and non-routine Supply Base mate­rial hand­ling operations.
  • Oversees opera­tio­nal plan­ning for routine and non-routine mate­rial, equip­ment and trans­port request. Liaison with Company Drilling, rele­vant Contractors inclu­ding QA/QC provi­ders ensu­ring the flaw­less point to point deli­very of mate­rials and equipment.
  • Agrees and conti­nually moni­tors the ILS main­te­nance & inspec­tion program with ILS Workshop Manager and Journey Management Coordinator to ensure the timely and regu­lar main­te­nance and servi­cea­bi­lity of all land trans­port vehicles and mecha­ni­cal hand­ling equipment.
  • Shall perform perio­dic inven­tory counts and recor­ding of same to ensure inven­tory accu­racy at all times.
  • Oversees surplus mate­rial returns, storage and subsequent dispo­sal of mate­rials and equip­ment, toge­ther with the provi­sion of a detai­led and accu­rate recon­ci­lia­tion upon project comple­tion Ensures all lifting acces­so­ries, CCU’s and mecha­ni­cal hand­ling equip­ment being used for loading and offloa­ding are main­tai­ned, fully certi­fied and fit for purpose prior to use.

Required experience and qualifications :

  • Extensive logis­tics and mate­rials mana­ge­ment expe­rience within an Oil and Gas envi­ron­ment, predo­mi­nantly within drilling operations.
  • Extensive expe­rience gained working in Lead roles in Supply Base’s.
  • Exposure to remote geogra­phi­cal operations.
  • Experience and demons­tra­ted compe­tency of mate­rials mana­ge­ment and mate­rials mana­ge­ment processes and proce­dures inclu­ding inven­tory mana­ge­ment, ware­house mana­ge­ment and main­te­nance of mate­rials and equip­ment move­ment records.
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