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Job Alternative - Moteur de talents et d'opportunités

Mechanical Engineer – Morocco

Casablanca, Maroc
A négocier


Description :

Your role will be to provide engi­nee­ring design solu­tions and through life engi­nee­ring support to the clients product range. Workload can vary from new product design to meet client or inter­nal speci­fi­ca­tions through to suppor­ting an exis­ting client’s request to upgrade or change equip­ment in the field.

Functional respon­si­bi­li­ties :

  • Independently applies advan­ced engi­nee­ring tech­niques and analy­sis within the discipline.
  • Develops desi­gns that require inno­va­tion and ingenuity.
  • Work perfor­med with mini­mal super­vi­sion ; has consi­de­rable lati­tude in deter­mi­ning objec­tives and approaches to assignments.
  • Researches, deve­lops, desi­gns, and tests a variety of equip­ment, faci­li­ties, compo­nents, products, and systems for commer­cial and indus­trial purposes.
  • Evaluates the desi­red goal of the system and deve­lops, desi­gns, or selects the requi­red equip­ment, power controls, piping, struc­tures and earth­work to achieve the goal.
  • Performs calcu­la­tions and evalua­tions in the design of equip­ment and systems for indus­trial and commer­cial applications.
  • Participates in plan­ning, cost deve­lop­ment and mana­ge­ment, and sche­du­ling for assi­gned projects.
  • Directs acti­vi­ties to ensure that construc­tion, instal­la­tion, and opera­tio­nal testing conform to func­tio­nal speci­fi­ca­tions, reco­gni­zed codes and stan­dards, and custo­mer requirements.
  • Maintains effec­tive commu­ni­ca­tion with project team members and with the custo­mer : May direct and coor­di­nate opera­tion, main­te­nance, and repair of equip­ment and systems : May use compu­ter-assis­ted engi­nee­ring and design soft­ware and equip­ment to perform engi­nee­ring task.

Required expe­rience and qualifications :

  • BS or MS in an engi­nee­ring discipline.
  • 7–15 years of expe­rience required.
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