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Job Alternative - Moteur de talents et d'opportunités

Metering Support Engineer

A négocier


Description :

For our client, a leading inter­na­tio­nal Oil & Gas orga­ni­sa­tion in Nigeria, we are sear­ching for a Metering Support Engineer. This role will assist the Lead instru­men­ta­tion engi­neer and Head of section (Head of Instrumentation, Metering & Systems Support) for the upda­ting of the Maintenance Plans inclu­ding dedi­ca­ted proce­dures, spare parts cove­rage, tools selec­tion and other tech­ni­cal aspects.

Functional respon­si­bi­li­ties :

  • Prepare and manage main­te­nance plan, spare inven­tory and all other rela­ted admi­nis­tra­tive tools in UNISUP as regards Instrumentation, control systems and mete­ring maintenance.
  • Prepare and update the mete­ring manuals descri­bing the CLIENT tech­ni­cal & fiscal mete­ring equip­ment as well as rela­ted opera­ting proce­dures. Ensure the proper saving and storage of data back-up.
  • Ensure that perio­di­cal meter proving exer­cise at our LACT points as well as the prover loop cali­bra­tions are carried-out as provi­ded for by the regu­la­tions gover­ning opera­tions of such faci­li­ties (DPR regulations).
  • Ensure that the fiscal gas mete­ring system quar­terly vali­da­tions, NLNG Supply Point Technical and Commercial Ticketing Audit are carried out in compliance with the Gas Utilisation Agreement with the NLNG and the regu­la­tions gover­ning opera­tions of such faci­li­ties (DPR regulations).
  • Ensure that the Fiscal Metering systems are fully opera­tio­nal, accu­rate and comply with the regu­la­tions defi­ned by the Authorities.
  • Ensure proper certi­fi­ca­tion of the fiscal mete­ring systems and smooth rela­tions with the Department of Petroleum Resources.
  • Liase with the Main Maintenance Contractor teams on the neces­sary correc­tive actions as relates to the mete­ring systems.
  • Specify the new tech­ni­cal and commer­cial mete­ring systems in co-opera­tion with instrumentation.
  • Initiate and follow-up the moni­to­ring of perfor­mance for the equip­ment defi­ned within the Field of Competence inclu­ding Metering Systems, Fire and Gas detec­tion systems, ESD systems, Security control.
  • Work closely with instru­men­ta­tion Maintenance Methods during mete­ring inter­ven­tions and share experience(s) accordingly.
  • Provide reports high­ligh­ting weekly acti­vity fore­cast and progress on impen­ding issues as relates mete­ring main­te­nance to the Head of
  • React effec­ti­vely where neces­sary to site main­te­nance requests and manage mete­ring inter­ven­tions to reduce down­time due to mete­ring systems
  • Ensure follow up of all mete­ring rela­ted site modi­fi­ca­tion requests and issue progress reports
  • Manage mete­ring main­te­nance plan and spare inven­tory with his deve­lo­ped unders­tan­ding and know­ledge of UNISUP and use same for Preventive Maintenance, PM and Material Management, MM-noti­fi­ca­tion, work orders, purchase requi­si­tion, mate­rial master form crea­tion, etc.

Required expe­rience and qualifications :

  • Sc/B.Eng. degree in any engi­nee­ring rela­ted disci­pline such as Instrument, Control, Electronic, Automation, Petroleum, Chemical.
  • 5 to 10 years working expe­rience in an oil produ­cing, manu­fac­tu­ring or service Company with specia­li­zed training/competence in Metering techniques.
  • Large Expertise in Metering systems and International Metering Codes (ISO, API, AGA, etc.).
  • Good rela­tio­nal, presen­ta­tion and commu­ni­ca­tion skills.
  • Computer lite­rate, with a know­ledge of compu­te­ri­zed process systems.
  • Ability to orga­nize a mission campaign in an offshore environment.
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