Devise annonces
Job Alternative - Moteur de talents et d'opportunités

Mining Superintendent

West Africa
A négocier


Job Description :

  • We have an excellent oppor­tu­nity for an expe­rien­ced Mining Superintendent to join a stable mining opera­tion. Our client has over 60 years of expe­rience in the mining field based in West Africa.
  • The role will be respon­sible for the effec­tive and effi­cient use of produc­tion machines to ensure maxi­mum produc­tion levels are always sustai­ned and produc­tion are attai­ned Whiles ensu­ring HSE Policies and requi­re­ments are adhe­red to at all times.

Responsibilities :

  • Ensuring high avai­la­bi­lity of the mining fleets to meet produc­tion and contrac­tual requi­re­ments. You will work colla­bo­ra­ti­vely with engi­nee­ring and main­te­nance depart­ment to opti­mize the opera­tion of the mining fleet and will moni­tor and report on produc­tion statistics.
  • Submits daily, weekly and monthly produc­tion reports to the project mana­ger and the Client Manager.
  • Responsible for the trai­ning of Local work­force to a high stan­dard of tech­ni­cal and safety skills. Evaluate person­nel for compe­tency with a view to iden­tify addi­tio­nal training.
  • Ensuring that manpo­wer is at budge­ted levels so that produc­tion target could be achie­ved. Reviews with shift super­vi­sors to ensure that they main­tain accu­rate records of time worked.
  • Directs team super­vi­sors in opera­tio­nal plans.
  • Directs prio­rity for mobile equip­ment main­te­nance based on opera­tio­nal demands. This requires a two way commu­ni­ca­tion between you and the
  • Maintenance Superintendent/planners at all times.
  • Studies maps and blue­prints to deter­mine loca­tion for haulage ways, access roads, rail tracks, and conveyor systems and
  • Helps main­tain compliance with mining laws and safety regu­la­tions, and issues direc­tives to workers to ensure adhe­rence to appli­cable rules and regulations.
  • Maintains time and produc­tion records.
  • Participate in inci­dent and injury inves­ti­ga­tions in their area.
  • Any other duty as reques­ted by clients/Project Manager in line client requirement.

Requirements – Qualification and Skill :

  • Proven back­ground within large scale trucks/shovel operations.
  • Tertiary quali­fi­ca­tion in Engineering will be advantageous.
  • Blasting certi­fi­cate.
  • Mine mana­ger certi­fi­cate of compe­tency will be a plus.
  • High level of commu­ni­ca­tion and people mana­ge­ment skills.
  • Drive to achieve budget and produc­tion targets.
  • A team player and have the ability to work under intense pressure.
  • 5 years Open cut mining experience.
  • Minimum of 3 years’ expe­rience within a Mining Superintendent or equi­va­lent capacity.
  • Readiness to work on 9/3 FIFO roster.
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