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Job Alternative - Moteur de talents et d'opportunités

Operation & Maintenance Superintendent

A négocier



Description :

  • For one of our clients, a leading inter­na­tio­nal orga­ni­sa­tion in Nigeria, we are looking for an expe­rien­ced and quali­fied Operation & Maintenance Superintendent.
  • To provide complex tech­ni­cal and prac­ti­cal support to project opera­tions and main­te­nance. To follow esta­bli­shed poli­cies, prac­tices, and proce­dures when comple­ting work assi­gn­ments. To provide safe and envi­ron­men­tally sound leader­ship, super­vi­sion, and work direc­tion to Operations & Maintenance (O&M) Team Members, while meeting closure target dates and costs.

Functional respon­si­bi­li­ties :

  • Responsible for ensu­ring the accu­rate and timely comple­tion of all acti­vi­ties rela­ted to Project O&M.
  • Organizes work plans, and provides direct super­vi­sion and over­sight to hourly opera­tions crew.
  • Trains less expe­rien­ced employees on opera­ting stan­dards, proce­dures, and methods.
  • Complies with esta­bli­shed poli­cies and proce­dures, metho­do­lo­gies, and quality stan­dards rela­ted to Project O&M, while at the same time recom­men­ding new or alter­nate approaches.
  • Prepares reports and completes docu­men­ta­tion rela­ted to Project O&M on a timely and accu­rate basis.
  • Assists with special projects rela­ted to Project O&M.
  • Provides analy­sis of work outcomes in consul­ta­tion with imme­diate supervisor.
  • Plans and executes work acti­vi­ties to meet produc­tion sche­dules, targe­ted closure dates and costs.
  • Coordinates the work of crews with other contracts ; provide daily over­sight of contractors.
  • Schedules main­te­nance prio­ri­ties with opera­tors so prio­ri­ties can be accomplished.
  • Prepares commu­ni­ca­tion mate­rials, manuals, and other writ­ten mate­rials rela­ted to Project O&M.
  • Ensures imple­men­ta­tion of new practice.
  • Contributes to the deve­lop­ment and revi­sion of poli­cies and proce­dures for the work unit / team.

Required expe­rience and qualifications :

  • High school diploma or equi­va­lent Formal education.
  • 10+ years of rela­ted work expe­rience in Oil&Gas Industry (super­vi­sion, proces­sing, main­te­nance, elec­tri­cal, pumping).
  • Knowledge of site closure plans and all phases of opera­tions and maintenance.
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