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Job Alternative - Moteur de talents et d'opportunités

Operations Manager

A négocier


The Company :

For our client, a well-known orga­ni­sa­tion with a global foot­print and recent record produc­tion numbers, we are looking for an Operations Manager. This is a real oppor­tu­nity to get on board with a well-esta­bli­shed company offe­ring nume­rous career opportunities.

For our client, a well-known orga­ni­sa­tion with a global foot­print and recent record produc­tion numbers, we are looking for an Operations Manager. This is a real oppor­tu­nity to get on board with a well-esta­bli­shed company and an iconic project in the South Pacific. Reporting to the Mine Manager, you will hold a key role in the current and future success of this mine site.

Responsibilities :

  • Implement and follow-up health, safety and envi­ron­ment plans in the work­place accor­ding to company guidelines.
  • Enforce people mana­ge­ment rules, ensure employees’ profes­sio­nal deve­lop­ment, evaluate, and encou­rage collec­tive and indi­vi­dual performance.
  • Develop posi­tive rela­tion­ships that support a change envi­ron­ment serving the produc­ti­vity and perfor­mance goals of the mine site.
  • Facilitate perfor­mance management.
  • Enforce mining rules : geotech­nics, water mana­ge­ment, biodi­ver­sity, opti­mal storage of waste, etc.
  • Optimise mining opera­tions from an econo­mic, tech­ni­cal and quali­ta­tive pers­pec­tives (plan­ning, imple­men­ta­tion and execu­tion of mining projects, extrac­tion, inven­tory mana­ge­ment, opera­tion of the fleet of machi­nery and faci­li­ties, etc.).

Requirements – Qualification and Skill :

  • Having at least 8 years of expe­rience in mining opera­tions and management.
  • Sc. Or Master’s degree in mining engi­nee­ring, geology or rela­ted discipline.
  • Strong leader­ship skills.
  • Being very organised.
  • Good commu­ni­ca­tion with strong influen­tial skills.
  • Strong perfor­mance mana­ge­ment knowledge.
  • Fluency in French is manda­tory with profi­ciency in English.
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