Devise annonces
Job Alternative - Moteur de talents et d'opportunités

Operations Manager

West Africa
A négocier


Description :

  • For our client, a world-class orga­ni­za­tion based in West Africa, we are looking for an expe­rien­ced Operations Manager to join a stable mining operation.
  • As the Operations Manager you will be in charge of leading a success­ful mining opera­tion that values employee’s safety and deli­vers results.

Functional responsibilities :

  • Relief Project Director, able to respond on all issues when PD is off site. Maintain close rela­tion­ship with PD to ensure conti­nuity regar­ding the compa­ny’s posi­tion on all matters.
  • Report to PD on all produc­tion matters.
  • Actively promote and encou­rage site safety. Monitor compliance to all compa­ny’s site poli­cies and procedures.
  • Roll out and ensure compliance with budge­tary constraints in all produc­tion areas and as direc­ted by PD.
  • Involvement in the budge­ting process.
  • Pursue produc­tion impro­ve­ments through inno­va­tion, plan­ning, utili­za­tion and avai­la­bi­lity. Be able to present finding and recom­men­da­tions at all levels.
  • Establish a close working rela­tion­ship with client and represent the company in nego­tia­tions and dispute resolution.
  • Ensure compliance with the compa­ny’s Community and HR commitments.
  • Develop and imple­ment career paths and succes­sion plans for all produc­tion staff inclu­ding but not limi­ted to : Mining Superintendent, Supervisors and Engineers.
  • Identify, inves­ti­gate and imple­ment special projects that seek to improve the business.
  • Take an active role in deve­lo­ping the Engineering Department.

Required experience and qualifications :

  • Tertiary quali­fi­ca­tion is an advantage.
  • Mine mana­ger certi­fi­cate of compe­tency will be a plus.
  • 10 years Open cut mining experience.
  • Minimum of 3 years’ expe­rience within a Operations Manager, Project Manager or equi­va­lent capacity.
  • Experience over­seeing opera­tions and drive to achieve budget and produc­tion targets.
  • Hands-on Mining Operations experience.
  • Strong leader­ship and commu­ni­ca­tion skills.
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