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Job Alternative - Moteur de talents et d'opportunités

Planning Manager

A négocier


Description :

  • For our client, a leading Oil & Gas Operating Company in West Africa, we are looking for an expe­rien­ced and quali­fied Planning Manager.
  • Reporting to the Project Controls Manager, the Planning Manager is accoun­table for provi­ding leader­ship, exper­tise and direc­tion to the plan­ning team, respon­sible for esta­bli­shing and main­tai­ning resources, systems, processes and repor­ting to support the success­ful mana­ge­ment and inte­gra­tion of the scope, cost and sche­dule defi­ni­tion, and execu­tion of the appro­ved plan for the Project.

Functional respon­si­bi­li­ties :

  • Manages project plan­ning & progres­sing teams. Ensures proper staf­fing levels and skill sets are acqui­red or deve­lo­ped for the home office, modu­la­ri­za­tion & site execu­tion teams in order to achieve project goals in a quality & cost effec­tive manner. Manages the team inclu­ding calling and chai­ring meetings.
  • Establishes, commu­ni­cates and obtains appro­val for the scope of work and resources requi­red to provide the plan­ning services to the project.
  • Defines and manages the prepa­ra­tion and issuance of all requi­red plan­ning and progress measu­re­ment proce­dures and ensures their due appli­ca­tion by all parties throu­ghout the dura­tion of the Project. This includes coor­di­na­ting the trai­ning in the tools and procedures.
  • Ensures that Primavera P6 is effec­ti­vely and correctly set-up and imple­men­ted by the plan­ning team using the appro­ved PBS (Package Breakdown Structure) and WBS (Work Breakdown Structure).
  • Implements plans within his/her autho­rity to address project issues and oppor­tu­ni­ties. When the requi­red action is outside the Manager Cost’s autho­rity, recom­mends action to super­vi­sor in a timely manner for approval.
  • Provides analy­sis of data rela­ted to sche­dule, progress, risks, fore­casts and variances to the project plan.
  • Manages the overall inte­gra­tion of the project sche­dule. Ensures that updates and progress repor­ting are done in an accu­rate and timely manner. Collects, reviews, collates data from direct reports to input into weCliently and monthly project reports on status and issues to be resol­ved. Updates others as requi­red ensu­ring surprises are minimized.
  • Audits contractor’s progress repor­ting and control structures/systems. Guides contrac­tors based on Client expec­ta­tions of repor­ting and controls.
  • Effectively commu­ni­cates with the Home Office, Module, & Site mana­ge­ment to iden­tify criti­cal deli­ve­rables in order to ensure an inte­gra­ted approach towards key project objectives.
  • Champions sche­dule impact analy­sis of project execu­tion initia­tives and oppor­tu­ni­ties. Makes recom­men­da­tions based on these analy­sis with a view to deli­ve­ring the project in the most cost effec­tive method to support the busi­ness case.

Required expe­rience and qualifications :

  • The posi­tion requires a profes­sio­nal engi­neer or an indi­vi­dual with not less than 10 years tech­ni­cal expe­rience in project controls, speci­fi­cally plan­ning & scheduling.
  • The posi­tion requires a working know­ledge of plan­ning soft­ware, parti­cu­larly Primavera P3.  Working know­ledge in P6 is an asset but not a requirement.
  • Experience in inter­na­tio­nal projects is prefer­red. Strong leader­ship and commu­ni­ca­tion skills are a must as are initia­tive and a progres­sive change attitude.
  • The posi­tion requires a thorough unders­tan­ding of drivers for busi­ness success for the project since the requi­re­ment will be to ensure that the busi­ness results are delivered.
  • Will directly super­vise up to twenty employees.
  • The posi­tion requires signi­fi­cant expe­rience in mega-projects of $1Billion USD or more.
  • The posi­tion requires signi­fi­cant expe­rience working in a super­vi­sory role for contrac­tors in order to unders­tand appro­priate boun­da­ries of contrac­tor relationships.
  • The incumbent has the autho­rity to make deci­sions on an inde­pendent basis and should feel free to resist pres­sures to change plans or desi­gns (with appro­priate expla­na­tions) if he/she feels it compro­mises esta­bli­shed requirements.
  • Working know­ledge of French is an asset, but not compulsory.
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