Devise annonces
Job Alternative - Moteur de talents et d'opportunités

Process Manager – South America

Amérique du Sud
A négocier


The Company :

  • Our client is one of the key gold mining compa­nies in the world focu­sing on sustai­na­bi­lity and safety.
  • They are looking to hire a Process Manager for their mine in South America.

Responsibilities :

The Process Manager will be respon­sible for provi­ding tech­ni­cal exper­tise and mana­ge­ment of Processing Department, making sure the plans and objec­tives are reached in a timely manner. Your know­ledge and expe­rience will contri­bute to the opti­mi­za­tion of proces­sing opera­tions and team’s profes­sio­nal growth.

The incumbent will be respon­sible for :

  • Directly mana­ging the Mill, Maintenance, Metallurgy and Project Engineering teams.
  • Indirectly mana­ging the Gold Room, Mill Operators, Mechanical, Electrical and Maintenance Planning person­nel and their activities.
  • Overseeing and provi­ding tech­ni­cal exper­tise in regard to the proces­sing and rela­ted faci­li­ties project development.
  • Driving a culture of quality and effi­ciency within the depart­ment focu­sed on maxi­mi­zing recovery.
  • Ensuring the proce­dures, prac­tices and systems to the Processing depart­ment are quickly imple­men­ted and opera­ting effectively.
  • Planning, appro­ving and moni­to­ring depart­men­tal opera­ting budgets and capi­tal expen­di­tures to meet stake­hol­der and stra­te­gic objectives.
  • Ensuring all acti­vi­ties are conduc­ted safely and in accor­dance with Company’s stan­dards and procedures.
  • Developing depart­ment’s person­nel through on-job trai­ning and constant coaching.

Requirements – Qualification and Skill :

  • 15 – 20 years in simi­lar mining-based role.
  • Tertiary quali­fied in Processing.
  • Extensive know­ledge of gold proces­sing faci­li­ties in deve­lo­ping coun­tries essential.
  • Previous expe­rience in start-up mining envi­ron­ments essential.
  • French language skills desi­red, not essential.
  • Able to commu­ni­cate effec­ti­vely at all levels of the orga­ni­sa­tion and build effec­tive rela­tion­ships and networks.
  • Possesses strong influen­cing skills and the ability to deve­lop an effec­tive team.
  • Demonstrates strong concep­tual skills, and be capable of deve­lo­ping late­ral and prac­ti­cal solutions
  • Ability to respond to a chan­ging work environment.
  • Excellent orga­ni­za­tio­nal, time mana­ge­ment and office mana­ge­ment skills.
  • Ability to work effec­ti­vely as part of a team, as well as independently.
  • Demonstrated well-deve­lo­ped inter­per­so­nal skills, with a cour­teous and plea­sant custo­mer service focus.

Benefits and Contractual information :

The posi­tion offers a compe­ti­tive remu­ne­ra­tion package.

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