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Job Alternative - Moteur de talents et d'opportunités

Mine Process Maintenance Superintendent

West Africa
A négocier


Our client is an inter­na­tio­nal mining company with a large mine site in West Africa. We are currently sear­ching for an expe­rien­ced Mine Process Maintenance Superintendent to support the Process Maintenance Superintendent on alter­nate rota­tions to lead the fixed mine main­te­nance section (predo­mi­nantly the mine process areas), and esta­blish systems and proce­dures to ensure safe and reliable equipment.

Responsibilities :

  • Responsible for the safe execu­tion of all main­te­nance acti­vi­ties across fixed and mobile plant, conti­nuous cross-shift perfor­mance, the esta­blish­ment and main­te­nance of area stan­dards, and the deli­very of agreed objec­tives in areas of work mana­ge­ment and cost.
  • Be aware and comply with rele­vant HSEQ legal and other requirements.
  • Understand the HSEQ risks rele­vant to own area of respon­si­bi­lity and ensure the use of the company risk frame­work for their management.
  • Establish and improve systems and proce­dures to ‘manage work’, from plan­ning, execu­tion, lear­ning and improvements.
  • Execute main­te­nance and opera­tion work while respec­ting statu­tory requi­re­ments, local laws and regu­la­tions and OEM equip­ment safety requirements.
  • Promote preven­tive main­te­nance by moti­va­ting person­nel to plan and prepare effec­tive work plans and sche­dules in conjunc­tion with the centra­li­sed plan­ning resources.
  • Oversee and improve the quality of work­man­ship for company and contrac­tor works.
  • Establish area, team and indi­vi­dual skills deve­lop­ment plans to meet exis­ting and future busi­ness objectives.

Requirements – Qualification and Skill :

  • Technical diploma or degree in Mechanical Engineering.
  • Certified trai­ning in welding, main­te­nance plan­ning, pump/ pipe­line / crusher/ scree­ning / elec­tri­cal main­te­nance are all desired.
  • 15 years of rele­vant expe­rience in progres­sive super­vi­sory roles.
  • 5 years of expe­rience in a senior fixed plant main­te­nance role such as Superintendent in a large remote inte­gra­ted mining and mine­ral proces­sing operation.
  • Advanced know­ledge of main­te­nance proce­dures rela­ting to plan­ning, life cycle model­ling, condi­tion moni­to­ring, predic­tive methods, welding, piping, crushing, etc.
  • Advanced know­ledge of tooling and instru­men­ta­tion rela­ting to fixed plant.
  • A robust working profi­ciency of Microsoft Office suite and advan­ced working profi­ciency of Computerised Maintenance Management Systems (CMMS’ such as Oracle, Ellipse, Pronto or SAP).
  • Demonstrated success in coaching other expa­triates and nationals.
  • Exposure to the chal­lenges of opera­ting in remote sites, deve­lo­ping coun­tries and the deve­lop­ment of natio­nal talent.
  • Fluent in English. Some French is a plus.
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