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Job Alternative - Moteur de talents et d'opportunités

Project Area Manager – Australia

Perth Australie-Occidentale, Australie
A négocier


The Company :

  • Our client is an African-focu­sed mine­ral sands company with current opera­tions in Kenya.
  • We are looking for an expe­rien­ced and quali­fied Engineering Manager to join their Perth-based Project Development team currently imple­men­ting the newly acqui­red Toliara Sands Project in Madagascar.

Responsibilities :

Reporting to the GM, Project Development the role will be respon­sible to :

  • Serve as engi­nee­ring func­tio­nal leader for the Company’s major projects.
  • Perform the role of area mana­ger « proces­sing plants » on the Toliara Sands project which project manages the pre-feasi­bi­lity study, defi­ni­tive feasi­bi­lity study, detail design, construc­tion and commissioning.
  • Plan, manage and over­see all engi­nee­ring portions of studies and desi­gns under­ta­ken by in-house person­nel and exter­nal consul­tants (Australia & internationally).
  • Drive value adding initia­tives and ensure « fit for purpose » proces­sing plant design and delivery.
  • Ensure quality control of all in-house and exter­nal engi­nee­ring resources, under­ta­king checks, audits and reviews of works carried out.
  • Monitor overall project deli­very inclu­ding engi­nee­ring costs, resources and schedule.
  • Communicate and colla­bo­rate with other mana­gers, suppliers, consul­tants and contractors.

Requirements – Qualification and Skill :

  • An expe­rien­ced Projects-based Engineering Manager with at least 5 years’ expe­rience working in a simi­lar role.
  • Minimum 10 years’ rele­vant project expe­rience in a mine proces­sing envi­ron­ment in either an owner’s repre­sen­ta­tive and/or consul­ting role.
  • Engineering degree in mecha­ni­cal or elec­tri­cal disci­pline with good know­ledge of both areas.
  • Experience working on large-scale inter­na­tio­nal engi­nee­ring projects (Africa-prefer­red).
  • Proven record in safety, envi­ron­men­tal and commu­nity perfor­mance and values.
  • Process engi­nee­ring back­ground prefe­ra­bly in mine­ral sands will be a benefit.
  • Demonstrated know­ledge of project mana­ge­ment inclu­ding project controls, procu­re­ment, commer­cial and construc­tion management.
  • Strong leader­ship quali­ties with a success­ful record in buil­ding strong and produc­tive teams.
  • Enjoy working in a multi-cultu­ral envi­ron­ment and success­ful track record mana­ging diver­si­fied teams.
  • High degree of accoun­ta­bi­lity and deci­sion making to ensure project deli­ve­rables are achieved.
  • Australian citi­zen or ability to legally work in Australia.
  • Ability to travel at short notice in Australia and overseas.

Benefits and Contractual information :

  • This role will ideally be Perth-based howe­ver Brisbane-based appli­cants can apply with a relo­ca­tion to Perth on offer after six to twelve months.
  • The role will include a compe­ti­tive remu­ne­ra­tion inclu­ding both short term and long-term incen­tives commen­su­rate with the senio­rity of the role and provides a great oppor­tu­nity to be part of a growing mining company.
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