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Job Alternative - Moteur de talents et d'opportunités

Project Controls Manager

Lagos, Nigeria
A négocier


Description :

  • We are looking for a Project Controls Manager to be hired by our client, on a perma­nent basis, loca­ted in Lagos, Nigeria.
  • Inspecting the advan­ce­ment state of the Project in rela­tion to the plan­ning, costs, human capi­tal, and the Customer’s expectations.

Functional respon­si­bi­li­ties :

  • Establish for each project the project control stra­tegy, and moni­tor its implementation.
  • Implementing the project control proce­dures for plan­ning, budge­ting, repor­ting, docu­men­tary control and contract administration.
  • Establishing the control proce­dure for advan­ce­ments and for collec­ting expenses by activities.
  • Implement the tools neces­sary for plan­ning and project controlling.
  • Coordinating the project control acti­vi­ties with respect to HSE standards.
  • Analysing the speci­fi­ci­ties of the project in terms of orga­ni­za­tion, budge­ting, plan­ning and human capital.
  • Managing the sub sche­dules of studies, of supply, deli­very, assem­bly and imple­men­ta­tion in service.
  • Analysing, quan­ti­fying, evalua­ting and control­ling the changes in sche­dules, the project expenses, varia­tions, etc.
  • Measure the advan­ce­ment of the project and upda­ting the sche­dule to anti­ci­pate the possible leeway’s and inte­grate correc­tive measures.
  • Integrate the changes in the contract within the plan­ning, the acti­vity follow-up and the budget.
  • Collecting the infor­ma­tion rela­ting to the advan­ce­ment de each acti­vity and the corres­pon­ding expenses.
  • Analysing the poten­tial and actual plan­ning conse­quences delays and/or the changes incur­red parti­cu­larly to the custo­mer and/or the suppliers and sub-contractors.
  • In rela­tion­ship with the admi­nis­tra­tion and finance depart­ment, revise regu­larly the costs fore­cast depen­ding on the advan­ce­ment of project.
  • In rela­tion­ship with the project team, define the neces­sary correc­tive measures in order to decrease the diffe­rences recor­ded in terms of plan­ning and costs.
  • Establishing the custo­mer billing and manage the cash flow.
  • Performing the neces­sary analy­sis of produc­ti­vity (KPI, …).
  • Control the expense allo­ca­tions for the project, orga­ni­sing the budget fore­cas­ting meetings.
  • Prevent and manage the risks, esta­blish a risk preven­tion strategy.
  • Identifying and evalua­ting the risks (acti­vi­ties, proce­dures, infor­ma­tion systems, produc­tion tools, events,
  • Determine the plans of action and follow their undergoing.
  • Implementing opera­tio­nal and budge­tary the repor­ting and ensu­ring their use.
  • Maintain up to date the finan­cial data of the project
  • Assess and analyse the results and achie­ve­ments of the project, and inform the project mana­ge­ment of any anomaly to put in place correc­tive actions
  • Participating in esta­bli­shing the assess­ment of the project, the synthe­sis of the opera­ting account and trea­sury forecast.
  • Participating in the esta­bli­shing of the final project report by extrac­ting the tech­ni­cal and finan­cial teachings.
  • Ensuring an expe­rience feed­back on the projects and the possible asses­sed leeway’s to ensure a constant improvement.

Required expe­rience and qualifications :

  • Master graduate of a school of engineering.
  • At least 5 years’ expe­rience in project mana­ge­ment within a plan­ning depart­ment, and 2–3 years on a project control posi­tion in the construc­tion sector for EPC projects.
  • Previous expe­rience in the “Oil & Gas” sector., know­ledge of « Oil & Gas » sector.
  • Mastery of multi-disci­pli­nary skills, finan­cial mana­ge­ment mastery (budge­ting, accoun­ting, taxa­tion, cash, conso­li­da­tion, etc.).
  • Organisation and construc­tion plan­ning mastery.
  • Ability to anti­ci­pate and to prevent, ability to detect any malfunc­tions, ability to manage budgets.
  • Team spirit, team player, rigour, inter­na­tio­nal mobility.
  • English fluency.
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