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Job Alternative - Moteur de talents et d'opportunités

Project Director

A négocier



Description :

  • Based in Nigeria, and repor­ting to the CEO and func­tio­nally to the Africa P&O Director, the Project(s) Director role is to ensure that local Projects are execu­ted in accor­dance with Company proce­dures, Clients and Contracts’ requi­re­ments, meeting targets set in terms of QSHE, budget and schedule.
  • In charge of the local Project Managers’ popu­la­tion, The Project Director will have the autho­rity to act and commit on behalf of Management and is respon­sible for the deli­very of the local projects.

Functional respon­si­bi­li­ties :

  • Develop and manage the popu­la­tion of local Project Managers.
  • Establish with the Clients and within each Project Team, a Project vision, goals and success crite­ria and imple­ment these.
  • Together with his Project Managers, ensure Project Execution Plans are esta­bli­shed for comple­tion of the Projects demons­tra­ting excel­lence throughout.
  • Put forward a clear unders­tan­ding of HSES throu­ghout the Projects and be seen as posi­ti­vely influen­cing Safety culture and measures in all Projects phases, encou­ra­ging and suppor­ting initiatives.
  • Ensure the imple­men­ta­tion of an effec­tive Risks and Opportunities Management system for each project.
  • Establish the Project orga­ni­sa­tion and secure suffi­cient and quali­fied resources throu­ghout the dura­tion of the Project.
  • Manage and contri­bute to the deve­lop­ment of the human resources assi­gned to the project and ensure their yearly apprai­sal in liai­son with the func­tio­nal departments.
  • Ensure clear lines of respon­si­bi­lity, clear split of scope of work, clear commu­ni­ca­tion chan­nels and deci­sion making processes throu­ghout the Project Organisation.
  • Develop “team spirit” throu­ghout the Project for maxi­mum unders­tan­ding and owner­ship of Project goals at all levels to enhance Project performance.
  • Establish a posi­tive working rela­tion­ship with all Clients parti­ci­pa­ting to Steering Committees when required.
  • Ensure regu­lar feed­back of “lessons learnt” is done at each project completion.
  • Ensure that the Company systems and tools are in place to allow real-time moni­to­ring of project para­me­ters and perfor­mance indicators.
  • Together with the Project Managers, iden­tify and manage Contract changes and notify Companies in a timely manner, of their impact on costs, work sche­dule and Contract obligations.
  • Through regu­lar contacts with the Functional Managers, align on project resources needs and performance.
  • Ensure that the Projects finan­cial results are within target or above and initiate any correc­tive action that may be requi­red for this purpose.
  • Accurate and timely repor­ting of Projects status to Company and to management.
  • Ensure proper closing out of the Contracts, both with Company and Subcontractors.
  • For GPC projects, align with the Projects & Operations Director and the Project Directors about expec­ta­tion, and ensure competent resources and support are provi­ded for success­ful deli­very of the same.

Required expe­rience and qualifications :

  • Engineering Degree asso­cia­ted with Mechanical, Civil, Offshore or Marine disciplines.
  • 25 years’ Experience in Project Management.
  • Experience is West Africa and Nigeria is a plus.
  • Experience in pipelay.
  • Fluent in English Language.
  • Competent in Microsoft Office.
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