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Job Alternative - Moteur de talents et d'opportunités

Project Services Manager

Lagos, Nigeria
A négocier


Description :

  • For our client, a leading inter­na­tio­nal Oil&Gas orga­ni­sa­tion in Nigeria, we are sear­ching for a Project Services Manager to be hired on a perma­nent basis and loca­ted in Lagos.
  • The incumbent will direct all project repor­ting (daily, weekly, monthly) in co-ordi­na­tion with internal/external requi­re­ments and promote the deve­lop­ment project services team, iden­ti­fying areas of impro­ve­ment and addi­tio­nal resour­cing requirements.

Functional respon­si­bi­li­ties :

  • Pro-acti­vely leads and directs the work of the Project Services Team.
  • Maintain close liai­son with appro­priate members of the Project.
  • Services/Management Teams and the internal/external customers.
  • Deliver the deve­lop­ment and imple­men­ta­tion of depart­ment and project speci­fic proce­dures rela­ted to the project services function.
  • Responsible for the imple­men­ta­tion of project speci­fic objec­tives within the project services team.
  • Conduct internal/external brie­fing sessions with respect to project services requi­re­ments and processes.
  • Act as the repre­sen­ta­tive focal point for all inter­nal and exter­nal project reviews.
  • Create frame­work for gathe­ring and recor­ding risks and lessons learned.
  • Ensure that acti­vi­ties with respect to project services are being mana­ged and deli­ve­red as per the custo­mer’s expec­ta­tions and guide­lines and project contract requirements.
  • Monitor all project services outputs in the neces­sary areas and provide impro­ve­ment recom­men­da­tions as neces­sary to ensure the busi­ness is impro­ving the services internally/externally.
  • Provide direct input to the contract admi­nis­tra­tion and contract review process, to ensure that the terms of the contracts are being met and any impli­ca­tions are being high­ligh­ted and mitigated.
  • Provide direct support to the Project Managers on Contract Administration issues/matters.
  • Direct the prepa­ra­tion of all rela­ted vendor supplier and sub-contrac­tor tender acti­vi­ties and manage the respec­tive tender evalua­tions through to noti­fi­ca­tion of award.
  • Direct the prepa­ra­tion of all requi­red data for mana­ge­ment reports and presen­ta­tions, etc.
  • Deliver the support and input to all tender acti­vi­ties for future work, repre­sen­ting the project services capa­bi­lity at clari­fi­ca­tion meetings and presen­ta­tions to win new work.
  • Direct all acti­vi­ties rela­ted to the prepa­ra­tion of the busi­ness commer­cial plan­ning and repor­ting in co-opera­tion with the Head of Operations.
  • Monitor and co-ordi­nate the repor­ting of cost and sche­dule impact of changes, modi­fi­ca­tions and alter­na­tives to esta­bli­shed project budgets.
  • Ensure the Division accoun­ting processes and proce­dures meet audit requirements.

Required expe­rience and qualifications :

  • Qualified with a BSc in Business Administration and or Oil&Gas Engineering.
  • Extensive expe­rience in all project execu­tion phases.
  • Moderate expe­rience as a Business Manager or Project Support Management.
  • Prior Oil&Gas EPC/Construction expe­rience (15 years min) in offshore/onshore projects preferred.
  • Excellent writ­ten and verbal commu­ni­ca­tion skill sets.
  • Leadership and demons­tra­ted accoun­ta­bi­lity for the work produ­ced by the project services team.
  • Demonstrates a support approach to the project mana­gers and the business.
  • Able to provide support in situa­tions, to resolve issues and matters of conflict that requires effec­tive commu­ni­ca­tion, initia­tive, flexibility.
  • Work as the leader of a dyna­mic team envi­ron­ment that has tight dead­lines, requi­ring accu­racy, initia­tive and the ability to multi-task as an essen­tial skill set.
  • Bias towards both contract mana­ge­ment and project controls.
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