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Job Alternative - Moteur de talents et d'opportunités

QA/QC Welding Inspector

West Africa
A négocier


Description :

  • For our client, an inter­na­tio­nal mining company, we are sear­ching for an expe­rien­ced and quali­fied QA/QC Welding Inspector for a large mine site loca­ted in West Africa.
  • The incumbent will carry out various inspec­tions and veri­fi­ca­tions for all mecha­ni­cal and piping works, inclu­sive mate­rials and equip­ment (both statio­nary and rotation).
  • He/She will ensure that the erec­tion, instal­la­tion, testing and commis­sio­ning of mecha­ni­cal equip­ment and systems has been carried out in accor­dance with contrac­tual stan­dards and specifications.

Functional respon­si­bi­li­ties :

  • Receives instruc­tions, docu­ments, tech­ni­cal speci­fi­ca­tions and details regar­ding probable welding requirements.
  • Studies, analyses and esta­blishes weld and NDE requirements.
  • Prepares welding proce­dures and ensures that the requi­red proce­dure quali­fi­ca­tion is carried out by a 3rd party group.
  • Ensures that all welders are fully quali­fied to the proce­dures requi­red by the project stan­dards, and that their quali­fi­ca­tions are current.
  • Will moni­tor the perfor­mance of welders, while imple­men­ting and moni­to­ring proper storage and usage proce­dures for welding tools and equipment.
  • Visually veri­fies that the inco­ming mate­rials have met the requi­re­ments for welding works, such as quality and dimen­sio­nal tole­rance levels, witnes­sing quali­fying tests for welders as required.
  • Will conduct inspec­tion and tests on fixtures, struc­tures and other instal­la­tion works, in line with the rele­vant EN, ASME or ANSI codes/standards, at contrac­tor/­sub-contrac­tor shop facilities/work sites.
  • Liaise with 3rd party NDE inspec­tion group and ensure that all NDE is carried out in accor­dance with the contract requi­re­ments, in parti­cu­lar the viewing and inter­pre­ta­tion of radio­gra­phy films.
  • Review radio­gra­phy results and advise construc­tion super­vi­sors of repairs required.
  • Carry out an analy­sis of the defect/repair and advise welder of probable cause.
  • Follows inspec­tion and test plan for the welding works and carries out the various stage inspec­tions and tests, records findings, prepares various reports.
  • Will be requi­red to act as an inter­nal inde­pendent party to conduct inspec­tion of such nature.
  • Liaise with the contractor’s inspec­tion and construc­tion staff for inter­me­diate and final accep­tance of the work.
  • Liaise with construc­tion staff to ensure that all requi­red testing has been performed.
  • Advise the field staff of poor quality work and defi­cien­cies detec­ted during inspec­tions and assist/advise on reme­dial works required.
  • Report devia­tions from requi­re­ments of contract docu­ments to QA/QC Manager
  • Investigates/anticipates work problems and takes/recommends suitable action to correct deficiencies.
  • Maintains and enhances sound rela­tion­ship with contrac­tors/­sub-contrac­tors and subordinates.
  • Ensures that all paper work requi­red (ie test and inspec­tion reports, mate­rial inspec­tion reports, etc.) has been comple­ted accu­ra­tely and in a timely manner.
  • Ensures that copies are handed over to the WinPCS©  tech­ni­cians for input.
  • Provides trai­ning as required.
  • Carries out other duties as assi­gned by the imme­diate supervisor.
  • Remains current/up-to-date regar­ding laws and regu­la­tions affec­ting all areas of responsibilities.
  • Adheres to Company poli­cies, proce­dures and work requirements.

Required expe­rience and qualifications :

  • Degree in Mechanical Engineering, AWS/CWI and/or CSWIP Qualification.
  • 5 years mini­mum expe­rience after AWS/CSWIP Qualification in the field of petrochemical/refining, construc­tion and main­te­nance services industries.
  • Broad know­ledge of sound mana­ge­ment principles.
  • Ability to define problems, collect data and draw valid conclusions.
  • Ability to inter­pret a variety of tech­ni­cal instruc­tions furni­shed in writ­ten, oral, mathe­ma­ti­cal, diagram or sche­dule form.
  • Ability to use compu­ter and fami­liar with soft­ware programs such as Microsoft Office, MS Project, etc.
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