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Job Alternative - Moteur de talents et d'opportunités

Senior Controls and Instrumentation Engineer

A négocier


Overview :

  • Our client is a consor­tium of leading inter­na­tio­nal Oil & Gas opera­tors seeking an expe­rien­ced and quali­fied Senior Controls and Instrumentation Engineer for his exis­ting opera­tions in Algeria.

Responsibilities :

  • Support the rota­ting equip­ment main­te­nance teams objec­tive in ensu­ring the relia­bi­lity and avai­la­bi­lity of our criti­cal rota­ting equip­ment fleet includes GE LM2500’s, Siemens RB211’s, Solar Centaur 40’s and Siemens SGT100’S, driving gas compres­sors and generators.
  • Maintain and trou­ble­shoot control systems on our Gar turbines, compres­sors and gene­ra­tors, which include HMI’s, PLC’s( Logix5000, FT125, FT110, GE Mark VI), Drives, Historians and indus­trial networks.
  • Collect data and record using our CMMS (Maximo) or other avai­lable data sources.
  • Analyse main­te­nance records to deter­mine control and instru­ment failure rates, avai­la­bi­lity / relia­bi­lity calcu­la­tions, bad actor / failure modes iden­ti­fi­ca­tion, and program effec­ti­ve­ness / cost analysis.
  • Develop and execute main­te­nance program objectives.
  • Conduct criti­ca­lity assess­ment and deve­lop equip­ment strategies/maintenance plans for control systems taking into consi­de­ra­tion, obso­les­cence, indus­try stan­dards, regu­la­tory requi­re­ment and manu­fac­tu­rer recommendations.
  • Develop capa­bi­li­ties and skills of Junior members of team, through on the job trai­ning and profes­sio­nal deve­lop­ment initiatives.
  • Collect and trend process data using company’s multiple process historian.
  • Execute control system life cycle mana­ge­ment programs which include control system inven­tory, obso­les­cence plans, mana­ging spare parts and upgrade/replacement planning.
  • Support control system main­te­nance and test plan­ning as requi­red, soft­ware upgrades, ESD testing, offline and online testing, and coor­di­na­tion of acti­vi­ties with/without plant shutdowns.
  • Support plan­ning and coor­di­na­tion of main­te­nance asks rela­ted to our rota­ting equip­ment control systems.
  • Participate with multi-disci­pli­nary, multi­cul­tu­ral team.
  • Review update and deve­lop instru­ment and controls main­te­nance documentation.
  • Travel to all our produc­tion faci­li­ties in the field.

Requirements :

  • Bachelor degree from reco­gni­zed univer­sity in Electrical, Automation, or Control and Instrumentation Engineering or demons­trate suffi­cient expe­rience, capa­bi­li­ties and know­ledge for the role if only tech­ni­cal diploma is held (Minimum 10 years’ expe­rience working in oil and gas or Energy Industry).
  • Recent rele­vant expe­rience working in a remote hard­ship loca­tion directly for the owner / operator.
  • Experience and know­ledge in the follo­wing areas : 
    • Gas Turbine controls,
    • Instrumentation,
    • Instrument and wiring method selec­tion for elec­tri­cally hazar­dous areas,
    • Control system archi­tec­ture design inclu­ding basic process control versus safety instru­men­ted system,
    • Expert Knowledge of Gas Compression systems,
    • Expert Knowledge of Power Generation systems,
    • Expert Knowledge of Gas Turbine systems,
    • Control system logic confi­gu­ra­tion and program­ming methods (PLC5, LOGIX500, SLC500, S7, Mark Vi, FT125 and FT110),
    • Process control (e.g. PID theory /tuning).
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