Devise annonces
Job Alternative - Moteur de talents et d'opportunités

Senior Electrical Coordinator

West Africa
A négocier


Job Description :

  • Our client is an inter­na­tio­nal mining company seeking an expe­rien­ced and quali­fied Senior Electrical Coordinator for his exis­ting opera­tions in West Africa.
  • The Senior Electrical Coordinator will assist with mana­ge­ment, super­vi­sion and tech­ni­cal support to all fixed plant, elec­tri­cal distri­bu­tion, and control systems, inclu­ding asso­cia­ted mine infra­struc­ture. The posi­tion is also respon­sible for the opera­tion and main­te­nance of the power station.

Responsibilities :

  • Be aware, unders­tand, commu­ni­cate and comply with the site Health, Safety, Environment and Quality (HSEQ) Policies and asso­cia­ted documentation.
  • Weekly work sche­dule confir­ma­tion in conjunc­tion with Planning Department.
  • Monthly budget reviews.
  • Monitor daily KPI’s under responsibility.
  • Daily appro­vals of equip­ment purchase using EAM main­te­nance mana­ge­ment system.
  • Prepare monthly reports and / or provide infor­ma­tion to plan­ning group for the produc­tion of reports as may be required.
  • Maintenance of all elec­tri­cal, mecha­ni­cal and instru­men­ta­tion equip­ment rela­ted to the power plant and its facilities.
  • Execute main­te­nance and opera­tion work while respec­ting statu­tory requi­re­ments, local laws and regu­la­tions, and OEM equip­ment safety requirements.
  • Promote preven­tive main­te­nance by moti­va­ting person­nel under your super­vi­sion to plan and prepare effec­tive work sche­dules in conjunc­tion with Maintenance plan­ning depart­ment. Participate in plan­ning and sche­du­ling meetings as required.
  • Produce stan­dard work proce­dures, Safe Work Plan and Job Safety Analysis as requi­red by depart­ment activities.
  • Oversee and main­tain the quality of work­man­ship for contrac­tor works execu­ted under your supervision.
  • Perform safety work­place audits of work areas under respon­si­bi­lity as per depart­ment policy.
  • Assist with the prepa­ra­tion of the annual main­te­nance budget for equip­ment under responsibility.
  • Train and mentor competent Malagasy employees for Coordinator posi­tion as per site succes­sion plan.
  • Effective trai­ning and deve­lop­ment of E&I and power station team.
  • Coach team members to better perfor­mance of requi­red HSEQ tasks.
  • Supervise, mentor and train E&I and Power Plant Supervisors and opera­tors in proper main­te­nance and opera­tion best practices.
  • Ensure working areas under his respon­si­bi­lity are main­tai­ned well-orde­red and of high stan­dard for Health and Safety.
  • Coordinate the trai­ning and/ or rein­for­ce­ment of the ability of the person­nel to ensure their perfor­mance in the struc­tu­ral trai­ning system.
  • Develop local natio­nal employees to a compe­tency level capable of repla­cing expa­triate staff ; apply safety and work proce­dures, poli­cies and sound practices.
  • Ensure that all acti­vi­ties in the Projects group comply with and support ISO 9001 certi­fi­ca­tion and poten­tially ISO 14001 requi­re­ments mainly within the Refinery.
  • This posi­tion will require the incumbent to work in the field and office, varied and some­times long hours at a remote site.

Requirements – Qualification and Skill :

  • Electrical Trade Certificate with mini­mum 10 years’ rele­vant expe­rience in progres­sive super­vi­sory roles.
  • Solid expe­rience in opera­tion and main­te­nance prac­tices asso­cia­ted with mining or remote sites fixed plants.
  • Power gene­ra­tion and reti­cu­la­tion, PLC/ SCADA, troubleshooting.
  • Operational expe­rience in a DFO or HFO power plant, or knowledge/experience equi­va­lent to that acqui­red in the power indus­try or merchant marines (an advantage).
  • Knowledge of the opera­tion and main­te­nance of MAN engines and Leroy Somers Alternators.
  • Ability to analyse the perfor­mance and opera­ting effi­ciency of the systems to opti­mize energy use and production.
  • High Voltage Switching Certificate awar­ded in a first world country.
  • Solid skills utili­sing Microsoft Office Suite.
  • Solid skills utili­sing Computerised Maintenance Management Systems (CMMS) such as Oracle, Ellipse, Pronto, MIMS or SAP.
  • Ability to commu­ni­cate effec­ti­vely in English as a mini­mum with addi­tio­nal French or Malagasy skills being an advantage.
  • Excellent commu­ni­ca­tion and inter­per­so­nal skills with a focus on Functional Cultural awareness.
  • Language skills : English is essen­tial. French is highly advantageous.
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