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Job Alternative - Moteur de talents et d'opportunités

Senior Project Coordinator

West Africa
A négocier


The Company :

  • Our client is an inter­na­tio­nal mining company, seeking an expe­rien­ced and quali­fied Senior Project Coordinator for his exis­ting mining opera­tions in West Africa.
  • The role will be respon­sible for mana­ging and deli­ve­ring effec­tive project execu­tion support to the entire plant.

Responsibilities :

Leads a team of Project Coordinators to success­fully accom­plish the plant project execu­tion (Construction) deli­ve­rables as will be detai­led in the Project Scope of Work. Ensure projects construc­tion acti­vi­ties are met safely, with high quality and on time.  The respon­si­bi­li­ties will include :

  • Directing the inte­gra­tion of project acti­vi­ties throu­ghout the life cycle of the project. Such as to ensure that construc­tion due dili­gence and deli­ve­rables are met.
  • Ensures a thorough unders­tan­ding of the clients needs through a close rela­tion­ship with the Area Superintendents, Managers or any other direct or indi­rect client to the project.
  • Manage construc­tion team work­load effec­ti­vely to ensure work­load is well balan­ced and clearly unders­tood across the team.
  • Manage expec­ta­tions, ensure that clear and achie­vable time lines are provi­ded to the subor­di­nates and to the clients.
  • Manage rela­tion­ships effec­ti­vely by ensu­ring part­ner­ships with outside service provi­ders are mana­ged produc­ti­vely yiel­ding strong syner­gies and success­ful outcomes.
  • Performance mana­ge­ment, imple­men­ting strong perfor­mance mana­ge­ment tools to ensure indi­vi­duals unders­tand the deli­ve­rables and time­lines they need to deliver.
  • Ensure a rigo­rous Management of Change process is adhe­red to and that all changes are captu­red, appro­ved and execu­ted to company standards.
  • Ensures that all docu­men­ta­tion is main­tai­ned to support company poli­cies, proce­dures and ISO 9001requirements, and that all engi­nee­ring docu­men­ta­tion is appro­pria­tely filed and archived.
  • Ensure that all site and govern­ment safety, health and envi­ron­men­tal proce­dures and stan­dards are follo­wed by engi­nee­ring person­nel and subcontractors.
  • Maintain close colla­bo­ra­tion with the HSE depart­ment to ensure all depart­ment workers are trai­ned in safety and envi­ron­ment matters.
  • Provide mentor­ship, guidance and coaching, leading to the growth and deve­lop­ment of depart­ment employees.

Requirements – Qualification and Skill :

  • Technical educa­tio­nal back­ground in Chemical, Mechanical, Industrial or Electrical disci­plines, prefe­rence will be given to candi­dates with compli­men­tary trai­ning in Project Fundamentals.
  • Approximately 10 years of project field expe­rience in complex chemi­cal, hydro­me­tal­lur­gi­cal projects.
  • Strong tech­ni­cal back­ground in engi­nee­ring and execution.
  • Experience in opera­tions in deve­lo­ping coun­tries is an asset.
  • Must have a back­ground in Management of Change and risk assessment.
  • Proven track record of expe­rience in Construction environment.
  • Strong expe­rience with super­vi­sing tech­ni­cal person­nel, project and quality controls.
  • Strong focus on conti­nuous impro­ve­ment and a proven record of mento­ring and deve­lop­ment of staff is essential.
  • Excellent commu­ni­ca­tion and inter­per­so­nal skills with a focus on Functional Cultural awareness.
  • Language skills : English is essen­tial. French is highly advantageous.

Benefits and Contractual information :

The posi­tion offers a compe­ti­tive remu­ne­ra­tion package. Lodgings are modern and secure.

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