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Job Alternative - Moteur de talents et d'opportunités

Senior Project Engineer

South Africa
A négocier



Job Description :

  • We are looking for a Senior Project Engineer to be respon­sible for the deve­lop­ment of project cost esti­mates and inte­gra­ted project sche­dules and the moni­to­ring and control­ling acti­vi­ties during the execu­tion of the project stage, inclu­ding cost and sche­dule fore­cas­ting and repor­ting in confor­mance with corpo­rate guidance notes and project procedures.
  • Ensures the project controls requi­re­ments are embed­ded in commer­cial docu­ments and over­sees contrac­tors perfor­mance to these requi­re­ments. Develops project controls guidance notes, proce­dures, tools, templates, and best prac­tices to imple­ment projects.

Responsibilities :

  • Develops and promotes the project control systems within area of accountability.
  • Identifies and imple­ments impro­ve­ment oppor­tu­ni­ties for stream­li­ning project controls work process.
  • Leads the deve­lop­ment of project control accounts and budget.
  • Leads the setup and issuance of reports, inclu­ding esti­ma­ting, plan­ning and cost control curves.
  • Leads the deve­lop­ment of contin­gency and change mana­ge­ment procedure.
  • Leads the imple­men­ta­tion of effec­tive contin­gency and change mana­ge­ment process.
  • Leads the setup and imple­men­ta­tion of project progress measu­re­ment practices.
  • Leads the deve­lop­ment of Final Forecast Cost (FFC) and proac­tive iden­ti­fi­ca­tion of risks and mitigation.
  • Applies disci­pline gover­nance and quality assu­rance across capi­tal projects.
  • Manages the rela­tion­ship with project controls stake­hol­ders within the project and within the business.
  • Analyses and reports progress to plan to contri­bute to stra­te­gic and opera­tio­nal decisions.
  • Provides tech­ni­cal support to project stakeholders.
  • Develops and contri­butes to the project controls guidance and protocols.
  • Provides assis­tance to esti­ma­ting and scena­rio evalua­tion for closure acti­vi­ties and planning.

Requirements – Qualification and Skill :

  • College diploma or univer­sity degree in a rela­ted discipline.
  • At least 8 years of expe­rience in an indus­trial construc­tion project setting. 5 or more years of expe­rience in an indus­trial construc­tion setting is preferred.
  • Mining indus­try or Heavy Earthworks expe­rience is an asset.
  • Strong working know­ledge of Enterprise Asset Management systems (e.g., Ellipse, JD Edwards, SAP).
  • Strong working know­ledge of Project Control Systems ( PRISM,  Primavera ).
  • Knowledge of, plan­ning, fore­cas­ting, cost control and reporting.
  • In-depth know­ledge of gene­rally accep­ted accoun­ting principles.
  • Proven ability to research, compare and analyze volu­mi­nous and complex mana­ge­ment and finan­cial information.
  • Strong plan­ning, orga­ni­za­tio­nal and commu­ni­ca­tions skills with excellent know­ledge of MS Office tools.
  • Project accoun­ting and tracking of comple­tion metrics through a WBS struc­ture accoun­ting system.
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