Devise annonces
Job Alternative - Moteur de talents et d'opportunités

Senior Project Manager

South Africa
A négocier


Job Description :

For our client, a well-known orga­ni­sa­tion with a global foot­print and recent record produc­tion numbers, we are looking for a Senior Project Manager. This is a real oppor­tu­nity to get on board with a well-esta­bli­shed company at their most iconic site in Sub-Saharan Africa.

The Group is plan­ning consi­de­rable invest­ments through various projects with the aim of doubling the produc­tion in the next three to four years.

Reporting to the Technical Director, you will hold a key role in the current and future success of this mine site. We are looking for a senior project mana­ger who can carry out simul­ta­neously various tech­ni­cal projects of different dimen­sions within the mining industry.

Responsibilities :

  • Management of large projects accor­ding to the stra­te­gic prio­ri­ties of the division.
  • Assistance to project mana­gers and their teams during the study and execu­tion phases of projects.
  • Coordination of prepa­ra­tion and active contri­bu­tion to project stee­ring committees.
  • Mobilization of Division and company resources as needed to assist project teams.
  • Contribution to the appli­ca­tion by project teams of best prac­tices in project mana­ge­ment, parti­cu­larly in terms of : 
    • Project plan­ning and goal setting
    • Project execu­tion and governance
    • Project docu­men­ta­tion and archives
    • Process impro­ve­ment and stan­dards development
  • Contribution to the prio­ri­ti­za­tion of projects and mana­ge­ment of the portfolio.

Requirements – Qualification and Skill :

  • Having at least 15 years of expe­rience in project management.
  • Masters’ Degree in engi­nee­ring or mana­ge­ment or rela­ted discipline.
  • Fluency in French.
  • Technical trai­ning and expe­rience in an indus­trial field.
  • Experience working with EPC or EPCM consul­tants in projects from the concep­tual phase to the execu­tion and closing phase.
  • Experience in risk iden­ti­fi­ca­tion and management.
  • Knowledge of compu­ter systems and soft­ware rela­ted to project control.
  • Demonstrated ability to finely manage commu­ni­ca­tions with different levels of authority.
  • Managerial ability to pilot multi­dis­ci­pli­nary teams in a hierar­chi­cal and / or func­tio­nal framework.
  • Knowledge of inter­na­tio­nal esti­ma­tion standards.
  • Flexible and hard-working team-player with high level of confi­den­tia­lity and integrity.

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