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Job Alternative - Moteur de talents et d'opportunités

Site Contracts Manager

Afrique de l'Ouest
A négocier


Description :

  • For our client, a leading inter­na­tio­nal mining orga­ni­sa­tion in West Africa, we are looking for an expe­rien­ced and quali­fied Site Contracts Manager.
  • Reporting to the Site Manager, the Site Contracts Manager is respon­sible for the overall mana­ge­ment of the commer­cial and legal aspects of all construc­tion contracts and purchase orders consistent with project objec­tives, proce­dures, and contract terms and condi­tions, and provides direc­tion and support to the Contract mana­ge­ment team.

Functional respon­si­bi­li­ties :

  • Responsible for revie­wing contract and commer­cial terms and arran­ge­ments of the prime contract with Client, and JV agree­ments and ensures that the Site Management team is aware of contrac­tual and legal obli­ga­tions to Client, and risks being undertaken.
  • Provides guidance to project on all commer­cial and contrac­tual acti­vi­ties, and support the Site Management team to miti­gate risks and achieve project objectives.
  • Develops a data­base of quali­fied local, regio­nal, and corpo­rate suppliers and subcon­trac­tors, with perfor­mance history.
  • Provides leader­ship in the deve­lop­ment of compre­hen­sive nego­tia­tion plans, prior to enga­ging poten­tial contrac­tors or suppliers.
  • Oversees the deve­lop­ment of request for proposal/quotation packages for construc­tion acti­vi­ties, services, and mate­rial and equip­ment supply.
  • Ensures the terms of the prime contract are passed through to the appli­cable construc­tion contracts.
  • Leads contract nego­tia­tions.  Evaluates responses, fina­lizes terms and pricing.  Establishes the means and mecha­nisms for effec­tive post award contract management.
  • Develops a wide variety of service and supply contract poli­cies and proce­dures and other tools requi­red for effec­tive contract management.
  • Interfaces with legal, finance, and insu­rance to ensure compliance with company and project directives.
  • Ensures that company, client, contrac­tors and suppliers perform within the obli­ga­tions as set out in contract documents.
  • Participates in site contract procu­re­ment (i.e. solicit/select/award).
  • Issues the repor­ting of kick-off meetings with contractors.
  • Monitors the contract admi­nis­tra­tion acti­vi­ties to ensure compliance with contract terms and appli­cable regu­la­tions in a cost-effec­tive, timely and respon­sive manner.
  • Prepares the contract status, and progress reports of each contract,
  • Monitors review of contrac­tor invoices, and progress curves used for invoi­cing to ensure compliance of contract terms and accu­racy of charges.
  • Manages and super­vises the filing of contract docu­ments and all rela­ted corres­pon­dence, and the admi­nis­tra­tion of amendments.
  • Studies and veri­fies all justi­fi­ca­tions provi­ded by contrac­tors for extra work orders or claims requested.
  • Informs the Site Manager, Construction Manager, and Site Project Controls Manager of any actions, facts, or deci­sions which could be the basis for poten­tial contrac­tor claims.
  • Advises the response to be issued to contrac­tors upon receipt of claim rela­ted corres­pon­dence, follows up on contrac­tor claims, and prepares claim defence stra­te­gies and documentation.
  • Prepares notice of default to contrac­tors, and liqui­da­ted damages assess­ments as neces­sary for Site Manager approval.
  • Updates the Site Manager as direc­ted on the status of agree­ments and faci­li­tates requests as required.
  • Liaises with the Construction Manager, Field Engineering Manager, and Site QA/QC Manager, to verify contractor’s comple­tion of work, ensure contrac­tor non-confor­mances are addres­sed and correc­ted, and ensure effec­tive and timely closeout of contracts once completed.

Required expe­rience and qualifications :

  • A Degree in Business, Engineering, Law, or scien­ti­fic disci­pline with 10 years expe­rience in setting up and admi­nis­te­ring service contracts.
  • Experience in mana­ge­ment capacity.
  • Ability to main­tain and ensure compliance with project/program poli­cies and proce­dures consistent with the terms of the contract, appli­cable regu­la­tions and firm poli­cies and procedures.
  • Thorough know­ledge of contract admi­nis­tra­tion, home office and field proce­dures and docu­ments rela­ting to a multi-disci­pline construc­tion project.
  • Thorough expe­rience in contract formu­la­tion, nego­tia­tion, and nego­tia­ting strategies.
  • Proven success in setting up effec­tive and effi­cient service contracts and in over­co­ming complex supply challenges.
  • Good know­ledge of current engineering/construction indus­try contrac­ting prac­tices and trends.
  • Technical and admi­nis­tra­tive know­ledge of all phases of Fixed Price, Unit Price, and Cost Reimbursible contract management.
  • Strong orga­ni­za­tio­nal skills and work ethic.
  • Exceptional problem solving skills with the ability to iden­tify and resolve issues.
  • Excellent verbal and writ­ten commu­ni­ca­tion skills.
  • Ability to manage, support and moti­vate contract team members.
  • Ability to work well under pres­sure, multi-task and meet deadlines.
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