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Job Alternative - Moteur de talents et d'opportunités

Site Progress Controller

West Africa
A négocier


Description :

  • For our client, a leading inter­na­tio­nal mining orga­ni­sa­tion in West Africa, we are sear­ching for an expe­rien­ced and quali­fied Site Progress Controller based on site.
  • Reporting to the Site Project Controls Manager, the Site Progress Controller is respon­sible to prepare and main­tain the Construction Progress Monitoring System (CPMS), and for the overall moni­to­ring, control, and main­tai­ning of the Project and master construc­tion sche­dules, progress moni­to­ring and trending.

Functional respon­si­bi­li­ties :

  • Maintains a constant follow-up of project plan­ning (Level 2) for design, mate­rial deli­very, and construc­tion progress, and iden­ti­fies any trends that require sche­dule control.
  • Implements a moni­to­ring system to accu­ra­tely follow progress and perfor­mance of contrac­tors, and elimi­nate inter­fe­rences amongst contractors.
  • Coordinates with Field Engineering, Site Procurement, and Site Expeditors to confirm deli­ve­rables and upda­ted sche­dules, and track progress on all acti­vi­ties that may affect construc­tion progress.
  • Informs the Site Project Controls Manager and Site Manager of any trends requi­ring sche­dule control and suggests acti­vity analy­sis to improve progress or perfor­mance for selec­ted work tasks.
  • Develops the Construction portion of the Project Level 2 CPM Schedule based on acti­vi­ties, units, contracts stra­tegy, (master construc­tion sche­dule) and defines a construc­tion miles­tones program.
  • Prepares all sche­dule and progress input data needed for the Site Monthly Progress report and submits to the Site Manager for appro­val and signature.
  • Develops, with the contrac­tors, the Level 3 and detai­led construc­tion schedules.
  • Reviews and approves contrac­tor sche­dules for confor­mance to the construc­tion and master schedule.
  • Prepares and main­tains the Construction Progress Monitoring System (CPMS) consi­de­ring (by Contract and/or Trade/Discipline) the status and quan­ti­ties of work to be perfor­med and the resources needed to achieve targe­ted performances.
  • Expedites and reviews contractor’s three week look ahead sche­dules, and examines contrac­tors’ resources rela­ted to plan­ned progress and suggests adjust­ments if necessary.
  • Monitors the evolu­tion (schedules/progress), anti­ci­pa­ting trends or possible devia­tions in order to quan­tify their impact on the overall schedule.
  • Provides status and quan­ti­ties of work perfor­med and main­tains manpo­wer fore­cast, progress curves and histograms.
  • Attends coor­di­na­tion meetings with contrac­tors in view of mana­ging the coor­di­na­tion of contrac­tor mobi­li­sa­tion, access to work areas and demo­bi­li­sa­tion dates.
  • Generates reports depic­ting progress compa­ri­sons, manpo­wer, produc­ti­vity compa­ri­sons and esta­blishes neces­sary sche­dule revi­sions and any changes of construc­tion logic.
  • Keeps the site construc­tion team infor­med of any sche­dule changes and trends.
  • Assists the Construction Manager and Discipline Supervisors/Coordinators in all sche­du­ling and progress issues, and plans/strategies to miti­gate sche­dule impacts and advance work where possible.
  • Maintains a constant follow up of the sche­dule to ensure progress as previously planned.

Required expe­rience and qualifications :

  • Degree in Engineering or Construction Management with appli­cable post-graduate qualifications.
  • Minimum 5 to 7 years direct planning/scheduling expe­rience in large or mid size projects in a range of indus­tries rela­ted to the anti­ci­pa­ted role.
  • Experience in project plan­ning, shut­down plan­ning, and brown field site planning.
  • Good unders­tan­ding of all engi­nee­ring, procu­re­ment, construc­tion and fabri­ca­tion disciplines.
  • Extensive know­ledge of project or construc­tion mana­ge­ment with an empha­sis on iden­ti­fying and correc­ting scope, sche­dule, budget, and change mana­ge­ment issues.
  • Proficiency and expe­rience with plan­ning soft­ware (Primavera P3 and MS Project).
  • Collaborative and solu­tion orien­ted approach to stra­te­gic planning.
  • Ability to work under pres­sure, multi-task and meet deadlines.
  • Excellent inter­per­so­nal, oral and writ­ten commu­ni­ca­tion skills.
  • Strong team player and comfor­table working in a fast paced environment.
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