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Job Alternative - Moteur de talents et d'opportunités

Special Operations Engineer

South Africa
A négocier


Description :

  • We are currently recrui­ting a Special Operations Engineer in South Africa, to deve­lop opti­mi­zed comple­tion desi­gns for hydro­car­bon apprai­sal and/or deve­lop­ment wells (onshore/offshore), incor­po­ra­ting the most appro­priate tech­no­lo­gies and construc­tion methods.
  • To draft comple­tion opera­tions plan and support its execu­tion provi­ding engi­nee­ring advise, and upda­ting, when neces­sary, well design and execu­tion plans.

Functional respon­si­bi­li­ties :

  • Overall tech­ni­cal inte­grity of comple­tion design and execution.
  • Contribute to the opti­mi­za­tion of the drilling, comple­tion, inter­ven­tion and stimu­la­tion programs as required.
  • Ensure that stan­dard proce­dures rela­ted to the drilling, comple­tion and well testing acti­vi­ties are properly applied.
  • Preparing studies and special opera­tio­nal programmes as necessary.
  • Providing the engi­nee­ring super­vi­sion and support to rig opera­tions during the imple­men­ta­tion of the activity.
  • Ensure that the plan­ning of criti­cal acti­vi­ties is done simu­la­ting each single opera­tion with the proper soft­ware with the objec­tive to locate and anti­ci­pate criti­cal items and risks.
  • Preparing, in co-ordi­na­tion with Contractor and suppliers, detai­led plans for special/non routine opera­tions to be perfor­med at the well site.
  • Ensure repor­ting on the opera­tions on-going as well as the End of Well Reports is prepa­red in compliance with company standard.
  • Ensure that the work processes are plan­ned and desi­gned in accor­dance with the requi­re­ments and controls as stated by the E&P manuals and procedures.
  • Make sure that the lessons lear­ned are properly and metho­di­cally captu­red and imple­men­ted in programs and procedures.
  • Ensure that the requi­red feed­back (posi­tive and nega­tive) is obtai­ned follo­wing each opera­tion and the perfor­mance of contrac­tor is metho­di­cally captured.
  • Make sure that the AAR (After Action Review) is imple­men­ted follo­wing each drilling phase and follo­wing each funda­men­tal step of the comple­tion and inter­ven­tion activities.

Required expe­rience and qualifications :

  • Engineering degree.
  • Fluent in English and French desirable.
  • Valid Well Control certi­fi­cate (IWCF level 4 or willing to obtain prior to mobilisation)
  • Drilling & comple­tion course.
  • Drilling & comple­tion engi­nee­ring course.
  • Geology & Geophysics basic course (prefer­red).
  • Subsurface & Reservoir basic course (prefer­red).
  • Extensive years of Oil & Gas Industry experience.
  • Extensive expe­rience of completion.
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