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Job Alternative - Moteur de talents et d'opportunités

Supply Chain Manager – Nigeria

Lagos, Nigeria
A négocier


Description :

  • An indus­try leader that brings toge­ther engi­nee­ring, instal­la­tion and project mana­ge­ment exper­tise and fabri­ca­tion capa­city and capa­bi­lity, are looking to hire a Supply Chain Manager to be based in Lagos.
  • The role of the Country SCM Manager is to lead the Country SCM Team inter­fa­cing with Client’s Africa SCM Management. The Country SCM Manager is mana­ging its suppliers within the Country, between Projects, Tendering, func­tion and coun­try, and ensure that the SCM Processes and the Africa SCM Strategy are applied.

Functional respon­si­bi­li­ties :

  • Organise and manage the SCM Department of the Country.
  • Set up of an ethi­cal envi­ron­ment and ensure that suppliers are fairly treated.
  • Ensure that Africa/Group SCM processes and tools are used.
  • Ensure that SCM tools are correctly deployed and used.
  • Support Africa Region action regar­ding local suppliers and local SCM Strategy.
  • Implement purcha­sing stra­tegy as defi­ned and vali­da­ted by Africa SCM Manager and Country Resident Manager and proceed to local purcha­sing accordingly.
  • Ensure all inter­faces between the Country and the Africa SCM depart­ment rela­ted to local contents issues.
  • Provide to projects trai­ned and effi­cient SCM personnel.
  • Ensure a cost-effec­tive and control deli­very of goods/services by suppliers to the agreed scope, terms and condi­tions, specifications.
  • Ensure lessons learnt are captu­red, inte­gra­ted in processes and tolls and disseminated.
  • Ensure all inter­faces between the Country and the Africa Region in order to control, manage and opti­mise the local tran­sit and customs clea­rance ; record and measure the process, propose improvement.
  • Manage opera­tio­nally the in-coun­try part of Subcontract dele­ga­ted by Africa SCM Manager and the Country Resident Manager.
  • Ensure storage of all SCM files (RFQ, PO, subcon­tracts, tran­sit, customs receipts and payments).
  • Follow Client Policies, Processes / Procedures and also propose improvement.
  • Support the Africa SCM stra­tegy in term of Local content and set up local strategy.
  • Define and propose local procu­re­ment sour­cing strategy.
  • Ensure the mana­ge­ment of the SCM team within the country.
  • Implement a trai­ning plan in accor­dance with skill needs and people competencies.
  • Challenge and anti­ci­pate needs in resources and deve­lop appro­priate actions to meet the requirements.
  • Ensure a good coor­di­na­tion at all level of the SCM depart­ment with the Africa SCM team.
  • Get the best deal from our Suppliers in term of Cost, Quality, price, contrac­tual condi­tions taking in consi­de­ra­tion all aspect of the busi­ness in commit­ments with suppliers.
  • Propose SCM package at tender stage (SCM budget, SCM PMT, vendor list, flow down) to Africa SCM Manager.
  • Supervise the SCM acti­vi­ties in projects (scope of work, stra­tegy and sche­dule for procu­ring the goods, procu­re­ment package).
  • Ensure that an opti­mal coor­di­na­tion exists between the different SCM acti­vi­ties (procu­re­ment, follow up, transportation).
  • Permanently evaluate SCM perfor­mance and improve it.
  • Make sure lessons learnt are captu­red, conso­li­da­ted in the processes and disseminated.
  • Develop and main­tain a storage system of all files rela­ted to tran­sit, tempo­rary impor­ta­tion, “to re export” items and customs duties payments.

Required expe­rience and qualifications :

  • Degree in a rele­vant disci­pline (Engineering or Business) or quali­fied by a mini­mum of 15 years of experience .
  • Is “cost saving” orien­ted, and capable of chal­len­ging requests.
  • Is aware of the overall project sche­dule, plan­ning, orga­ni­sa­tion and has know­ledge of its main issues.
  • Have a good unders­tan­ding of the overall tech­ni­cal issue and a good know­ledge of the offshore indus­try and its speci­fi­ci­ties and of complex items.
  • Demonstrate good commu­ni­ca­tion skills and is a team player.
  • Fluent in English Language.
  • Experience within West Africa is a plus.
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