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Job Alternative - Moteur de talents et d'opportunités

Wharf Construction Supervisor

West Africa
A négocier


Description :

  • For our client, a leading inter­na­tio­nal mining orga­ni­sa­tion in West Africa, we are sear­ching for an expe­rien­ced and quali­fied Wharf Construction Supervisor.
  • The incumbent will represent the Project Engineer on site provi­ding tech­ni­cal support to the construc­tion team to ensure that the design intent is met, and perform as requi­red engi­nee­ring design acti­vi­ties rela­ted to the site engi­nee­ring aspects of the project in the disci­pline of responsibility.

Functional respon­si­bi­li­ties :

  • Provides tech­ni­cal inter­pre­ta­tions of design docu­ments for the respon­sible area or disci­pline in support of Construction Managers, Discipline Supervisors/Coordinators and contrac­tors and provides speci­fic exper­tise and problem solving for tech­ni­cal, non-confor­ming, and construc­tion rela­ted issues.
  • Often performs construc­ta­bi­lity assi­gn­ments in the home office, as requi­red, and reviews contract drawings for comple­te­ness and constructability.
  • Prepares instal­la­tion speci­fi­ca­tions inclu­ding instal­la­tion details where required.
  • Reviews and ensures imple­men­ta­tion of construc­tion procedures.
  • Reviews contrac­tor sche­dules and parti­ci­pate in Work Plan development.
  • Assists in the coor­di­na­tion of contrac­tor acti­vi­ties with the work of others.
  • Ensures the contrac­tor is provi­ded with EPCM furni­shed mate­rials as speci­fied, and provides mate­rial expe­di­ting support as requi­red to support the field erec­tion program.
  • Initiates requi­si­tions for field purchases, reviews contrac­tor requests for mate­rial substi­tu­tions and issues recommendations/requisitions to the Field Engineering Manager for approval.
  • Ensures contrac­tor supplied mate­rial complies with project speci­fi­ca­tions and requi­re­ments, and mate­rials and equip­ment are properly stored and protec­ted prior to incor­po­ra­ting into the work.
  • Assists in Quality Control and ensures the Contract Quality Plan is being follo­wed, atten­ding to all veri­fi­ca­tion matters as speci­fied by the contract.
  • Checks, logs, and processes vendor and contrac­tor shop drawings and ensures contrac­tor deli­ve­rables are submit­ted in accor­dance with contract requi­re­ments, and ente­red into workShare.
  • Reviews and approves the contrac­tors Temporary Facilities Plan, reviews desi­gns and super­vises construc­tion of tempo­rary construc­tion faci­li­ties and supports.
  • Undertakes perio­dic audits of contrac­tor docu­men­ta­tion to ensure as-requi­red project execu­tion docu­men­ta­tion is being deve­lo­ped and is up-to-date. Ensures the contrac­tor is in posses­sion of the latest revi­sion of EPCM gene­ra­ted docu­men­ta­tion and the latest revi­sion is being followed.
  • Monitors and inspects construc­tion opera­tions to ensure compliance with design documents.
  • Manages site survey as well as provides hori­zon­tal and verti­cal control, as appli­cable to the discipline.
  • Ensures contrac­tors comply with project health, safety and envi­ron­men­tal poli­cies and jobsite rules.
  • Attends weekly progress meetings with the contractor.
  • Prepares and conducts the trai­ning of assi­gned engi­neers as per project specifications.
  • Maintains liai­son with the design engi­neers to sche­dule and coor­di­nate the release of construc­tion design docu­ments in support of the construc­tion schedule.
  • Prepare reports as requi­red to include daily tangible quan­tity reports, progress reports, studies, esti­mates, mate­rial take-offs, field design and sketches.
  • Reports work acti­vi­ties in a site diary in his area of respon­si­bi­lity. Verifies daily installed/erected quan­ti­ties in assi­gned areas and marks up drawings showing progress to date.
  • Assists with testing and commis­sio­ning of equip­ment and systems and coor­di­nates system comple­tion and system turn-over with regard to start-up acti­vi­ties for assi­gned discipline/systems, if required.
  • Compiles main­te­nance manuals and coor­di­nates submis­sions from vendors and contrac­tors as requi­red for the disci­pline of responsibility.

Required expe­rience and qualifications :

  • Engineering Degree or equi­va­lent tech­ni­cal project experience.
  • 7 to 10 years project expe­rience. Previous field engi­nee­ring expe­rience on large multi-disci­pli­ned projects. Brownfield construc­tion experience.
  • A broad know­ledge of prece­dents in the specialty area and of prin­ciples and prac­tices of rela­ted tech­ni­cal areas.
  • Good know­ledge of construc­tion metho­do­lo­gies, testing and commis­sio­ning proce­dures rela­ted to the  disci­pline of responsibility.
  • A current know­ledge of indus­try or regu­la­tory stan­dards and study crite­ria perti­nent to the respon­sible discipline.
  • Knowledge and unders­tan­ding of inter-disci­pline dependencies.
  • Knowledge of admi­nis­tra­tive prac­tices, drawing produc­tion, and docu­ment control methodologies.
  • Good safety awareness.
  • Good commu­ni­ca­tion and inter­per­so­nal skills.
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