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Job Alternative - Moteur de talents et d'opportunités

Fluid Supervisor

West Africa
A négocier


Description :

We are currently recrui­ting a Fluid Supervisor in West Africa, to deve­lop drilling & comple­tion fluids and cement programs, opti­mi­zing the invest­ments and applying the highest stan­dards of engi­nee­ring inte­grity, safety and envi­ron­men­tal protection.

Functional respon­si­bi­li­ties :

  • Defining and plan­ning drilling and comple­tion fluids, as well as cement slur­ries in order to achieve tech­ni­cal objec­tives in safe, effi­cient and cost effec­tive manner.
  • Preparing mud, cement and comple­tion fluids programs inclu­ding all infor­ma­tion as speci­fied in Company procedure.
    Preparing esti­ma­ted cost break­down for chemi­cals and rela­ted services of wells to be drilled or worked over.
  • Well opera­tions follow-up on daily basis, and recom­mend changes in drilling / comple­tion fluids aimed to opti­mise effi­ciency of operations.
  • Ensuring drilling & comple­tion fluids, as well as cement slur­ries are mixed and main­tai­ned as per programme and good oilfield practice.
  • Making recom­men­da­tions and provide specia­list assis­tance when drilling problems occur.
  • Managing waste dispo­sal in order to preserve the envi­ron­ment and in accord with local regulations.
  • Recommending changes in some aspects of drilling program (if neces­sary) to improve drilling and comple­tion methods, tech­niques and speed.
  • Carrying out special studies and reports on any aspects of drilling and comple­tion opera­tions as required.
  • Providing tech­ni­cal advise on sampling and analy­sis of drilling & comple­tion fluids, cement slur­ries and rele­vant chemi­cal products
  • Assisting rigsite opera­tions for speci­fic jobs.
  • Participating as a member of the emer­gency task force in event of blow-out of other major emergency.

Required expe­rience and qualifications :

  • Engineering degree or high school diploma.
  • Fluent know­ledge of English and French (desi­rable).
  • Valid Well Control certi­fi­cate (IWCF level 4 or willing to obtain prior to mobilisation).
  • Extensive expe­rience of Oil & Gas Industry.
  • Extensive expe­rience of drilling & Completions.
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