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General Manager Project Development

A négocier



Description :

  • Reporting to the CEO, the General Manager Project Development is respon­sible for the medium term deve­lop­ment and growth of the Mine.
  • The role will coor­di­nate all acti­vi­ties rela­ting to the ongoing deve­lop­ment of the busi­ness case and tech­ni­cal feasi­bi­lity for extrac­ting and proces­sing the sulphide resource base at the project inclu­ding but not limi­ted to mine design requi­re­ments for sulphide ore extrac­tion, proces­sing route feasi­bi­lity, tailings mana­ge­ment from sulphide proces­sing and regu­la­tory frame­work and requi­re­ments for progres­sing sulphide ore treat­ment at the project.
  • Engineering studies are requi­red to assess oppor­tu­ni­ties for further opti­mi­sa­tion of exis­ting opera­tions and infra­struc­ture achie­ved by debot­tle­ne­cking and incre­men­tal capi­tal investment.

Functional responsibilities :

The GM Project Development will be respon­sible for :

  • Ensuring that legis­la­tive requi­re­ments for OHS and Environment are consi­de­red at every stage of the studies program for the Sulphide Development.
  • Execution of Delivery of PEA / Scoping Study for Sulphides, Delivery of PFS Debottlenecking.
  • Coordination of all indi­vi­dual tech­ni­cal studies comple­ted by site resources and exter­nal consul­ting groups.
  • Coordination of tech­ni­cal acti­vi­ties rela­ting to TSF as a requi­re­ment for treat­ment of sulphide resources.
  • Delivery of repor­ting requi­re­ments for all stakeholders.
  • Lead the execu­tion of the construc­tion and expan­sion program for PTAR.
  • Execution of Strategic capi­tal projects inclu­ding the de-bottle­ne­cking of the exis­ting CIL plant.

Required experience and qualifications :

  • Bachelor level degree in a rela­ted engi­nee­ring field (Process, Mechanical).
  • Formal project mana­ge­ment quali­fi­ca­tion (desi­rable but not essential).
  • 20 years or more expe­rience in opera­tions and engi­nee­ring mana­ge­ment in the mining industry.
  • Strong back­ground in tech­ni­cal studies mana­ge­ment rela­ting to complex mine deve­lop­ment projects and tailings storage facilities.
  • Ability to manage complex tech­ni­cal studies and test work programs to deli­ver favou­rable project outcomes.
  • Demonstrated capa­bi­lity of mana­ging a wide range of tech­ni­cal consul­tants, engi­nee­ring compa­nies, and poten­tial vendors contri­bu­ting to mine deve­lop­ment studies.
  • Experience in brown­fields infra­struc­ture expan­sion and construction.
  • Previous Expatriate expe­rience is essential.
  • Exposure to opera­tion or studies rela­ting to proces­sing of sulphide resources (desi­rable but not essential).

Site based FIFO or Residential oppor­tu­nity with a well-regar­ded gold company to be part of the leader­ship of a large-scale project deve­lop­ment, from Feasibility to Construction, in Asia.

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